Why is Kit Siang getting too personal?

Salleh Said Keruak

FMT reported that Lim Kit Siang has mocked me and called me and another Umno leader from Sabah ‘two Umno stooges’. If standing up for your party and defending your party against lies, slander and attacks makes one a stooge then every politician in the world would be a stooge of his or her own party.

Has not DAP sacked members who did not toe the party line? When people support their party you call them stooges and when they do not toe the party line you call them traitors and sack them. Kit Siang needs to make up his mind as to how he expects party leaders to show loyalty. Would not all those DAP leaders who disagree with working with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad but keep quiet and do not dare oppose the move also be considered stooges?


