Is Anwar Corrupt, Dr M?

We all know who the PM was back in 1999. The year his former deputy and now, Mahathir’s choice for PM ke-7 was jailed for four charges of corruption.

Yuktes Vijay, A Former Anwarista

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read the news that Dr Mahathir was going to perform a solat hajat for Anwar Ibrahim.

In order to get my emotion right, I have decided to ask Dr Mahathir a question.

No, it isn’t about his former deputy’s sexuality. The question revolves around Dr Mahathir’s theme in his crusade against PM Najib Razak’s government – Corruption.

Contrary to what most Malaysians believe and presume to be true, Anwar Ibrahim actually never served any sentence for the crime of sodomy prior to his conviction in 2014.

In other words, Anwar Ibrahim was never jailed in 1999 for sodomy. So, why was he in prison from 1999 till 2004 then?

Wasn’t it for sodomy, a great conspiracy orchestrated by Dr Mahathir as Anwar alleged numerous times previously? Absolutely not.

On the 14th of April 1999, Anwar Ibrahim was found guilty of four corruption charges and sentenced to six years in jail.

In fact, Anwar had appealed the conviction all the way to the Federal Court but failed to overturn the conviction.

Refer :

On the 7th of September 2004, AFTER almost six years in jail and five appeals on his SODOMY CHARGES, Anwar Ibrahim was freed when the Federal Court upheld his appeal against conviction for sodomy.

Refer :

In other words, from 1999 to 2004, Anwar was serving his six year sentence for being found guilty of corruption charges.

During that same period, Anwar was appealing his sodomy conviction in 1999 which he finally succeeded in his appeal, after five appeals, in 2004.

To make it simpler, Anwar was never in prison from 1999 to 2004 for sodomy. Anwar was, in fact, serving his prison sentence for corruption.

We all know who the PM was back in 1999. The year his former deputy and now, Mahathir’s choice for PM ke-7 was jailed for four charges of corruption.

So, what Mahathir should really be telling Malaysians is – Is/was Anwar a corrupt person or not?

After all, Anwar was found guilty and served a six year sentence for corruption under the administration of Dr Mahathir.

Dr Mahathir could have forgotten or not known about the Forex losses. It could have happened without his knowledge for he was only the Prime Minister, not the Governor of Bank Negara.

For sure, we know what a stickler for the principle of separation of powers Dr Mahathir was during his tenure as Prime Minister. Right? Excuse the sarcasm, please.

But, unlike the Forex losses, Anwar was his deputy and it was Dr Mahathir who sacked him for sodomy AND CORRUPTION CHARGES back in 1999.

What Dr Mahathir should tell us all is, is Anwar Ibrahim, the Ketua Umum of Pakatan Harapan, in which he is also the chairman, a corrupt individual?

It would be rather strange for him to be joining forces with a convict found guilty for corruption under his tenure as Prime Minister to allege Prime Minister Najib Razak of the being corrupt and practicing Kleptocracy.

There is a Court decision to validate the fact that Anwar, the Ketua Umum of Pakatan Harapn is corrupt.

There is nothing but mere allegations and concocted stories to suggest that PM Najib Razak is a kleptocrat or has indulged in corruption.


