Mahathir upset LHDN going after his business partner

LHDN had frozen the Country Heights owner’s Fixed Deposit (FD) with a foreign bank of RM126 million until he pays his back taxes.

(LSS) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is most upset that the government dares collect unpaid taxes of RM22.707 million from his friend, the owner of County Heights.

Mahathir had gotten his bungalow from the owner of Country Heights and is also a large shareholder of Country Heights’ Palace of Golden Horses five-star hotel.

Mahathir is also in business with this tycoon and his daughter in a company that rents out private jets and planes where Mahathir is listed as the Chairman called Flyjet Sdn Bhd. (READ: Flyjet yet to obtain licence to fly out of Subang airport)

Flyjet currently owns two Bombardier Challenger 601 and one Boeing 737-33A

Since then, Mahathir had attacked LHDN, accusing it of going after Pakatan-friendly tycoons.

LHDN had frozen the Country Heights owner’s Fixed Deposit (FD) with a foreign bank of RM126.0mil until he pays his back taxes. (wow, I wish I had FD of RM126. million. Even at 4% interest, can get RM5 million per year or RM420,000 per month goyang kaki).

However, the Country Heights owner has never disputed he owed these taxes and has since paid-up.

But since Mahathir continues to be unhappy and continues attacking, LHDN had to come out to refute his claims stating the tax laws clearly stated whether you owe or you do not owe. (READ: Not true, says Inland Revenue Board of Mahathir’s claim)

And that if  any taxpayer was dissatisfied with their assessment after an audit or investigation, they could make an appeal to the Special Commissioners of Income Tax (SCIT) within 30 days.

SCIT was an independent body which had the authority to listen to any objections by the taxpayers.

“The SCIT’s decision can also be appealed at the High Court or the Court of Appeal. The rights and interests of taxpayers are well protected under the Income Tax Act 1967.”

Looks like until the end, it is always about Mahathir’s cronies and tycoon friends.

Mahathir will protect them until the end and if you dare touch them, be prepared for Mahathir’s wrath.

