Mujahid must explain what ‘multiculturalism’ means

“Try and organize a seminar to discuss if Jesus was an ordinary man or if he truly was the Son of God. Try advancing the idea that the New Testament was the work of fiction meant to corrupt the true teachings of Jesus. Do that, and you will see just why Muslims aren’t the only ones who get sensitive when their faith is questioned or ridiculed”


Parit Buntar Member of Parliament (MP) Mujahid Yusof Rawa wants to table a Private Member’s Bill in the coming session of Parliament, according to a report by Free Malaysia Today (READ MORE BELOW). The report begins by saying that the Bill is intended to call for equality and the criminalizing of hate speeches.

Thereon, everything begins to crumble.

“Islam guides Muslims to be moderate in political activities and pursuits and the content of Islamic civilisation was erected based on pluralism,” says Mujahid, adding, “It is important that underlying multicultural environments such as we have in Malaysia respect humanity, promote dialogue, the concept of protection, and freedom of religion which are all principles enshrined in the Quran.”

The Amanah MP then goes on to say this:

“This is a sad time for Malaysia because we have told the world that basically we don’t respect intellectuals. What’s most unfortunate is that they are doing it in the name of Islam when in no way does Islam frown upon intellectual discourse.”

Yes, Mujahid should just have kept his mouth shut. If he had done so, nobody would have noticed how incompetent he is or how shallow his view of the Islamic world was.

The Parit Buntar MP wants you to think that Malaysia is run by an oppressive regime that forbids intellectual discourse. On the contrary, the government welcomes intellectual discourses on all fronts and merely forbids distortions to the true teachings of Islam. Even Christianity condemns such distortions – Christians in the west even condemned scholar and writer Reza Aslan for his book on Jesus.

When Reza first came out with a book on Muhammad, many commended him and labelled his book the best ever on the life and times of the Prophet and Islam. The backlash he received from some Muslim groups only served to exalt his status among Christians, to a point that his work on Muhammad became a best seller. Then, when Reza wrote a book on Jesus, the West did a U-turn and censured him.

So you see, this so-called ‘sensitivity’ on the distortion of facts is not confined to Muslims. Christians, too, draw the line between what they regard as fact and what they regard as distortions. Reza had been condemned by both Christians and Muslims alike because of his bold views on the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Now, try and organize a seminar to discuss if Jesus was an ordinary man or if he truly was the Son of God. Try advancing the idea that the New Testament was a work of fiction meant to corrupt the true teachings of Jesus. Do that, and you will see just why Muslims aren’t the only ones who get sensitive when their faith is questioned or ridiculed.

Mujahid goes on to say this:

Islam guides Muslims to be moderate in political activities and pursuits and the content of Islamic civilisation was erected based on pluralism. It is important that underlying multicultural environments such as we have in Malaysia respect humanity, promote dialogue, the concept of protection, and freedom of religion which are all principles enshrined in the Quran.”

Now, what exactly is this guy trying to say? From where I stand, these are all nonsensical syllables strung together just to make them appear meaningful. I honestly think that even Mujahid would scratch his head reading back the statements he made.



