Tony Pua is a zero who is trying very hard to be a hero

“What Pua did yesterday was what each and every leader in the DAP has been trained to do – utter meaningless syllables, strung together in gung-ho styled rhetoric just to escape sticky situations. People like Pua belong to a league of imbeciles currently led by the likes of Superman Hew, Anthony Loke, Teresa Kok and Hannah Yeoh, all trained to confuse people whenever things get difficult”


Tony Pua is back in action.

Yesterday, the DAP parliamentarian took a swipe at Dato’ Eric See-To for challenging him to a debate, insisting that the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications (BNSC) deputy director wasn’t worth his time. According to Pua, he was ‘on par’ with people of rank in government and would only enter a debate if he was challenged by one of them.

Now, what does that tell you?

It tells you that people like Pua are half past six dunggus (idiots) who probably came into this world legs first. Tell me, why on earth would the DAP parliamentarian pen such a conceited and pompously-worded reply if indeed Eric was such a waste of time? Would it not have been prudent for Pua to ignore the BNSC deputy director instead?

The very fact that Pua saw the need to reply Eric goes a long way to show just how pivotal the latter’s role is in Malaysian politics. And mind you, we’re talking about the deputy director of an outfit within a coalition that actually runs the federal government. Question is, what rank does Pua have within Pakatan Harapan, a coalition of oppositionists and opportunists who are only hallucinating about running government?

Did I not tell you Pua is a dunggu?

Seriously, all Eric asked Pua to do was to debate him over the multibillion Penang Undersea Tunnel Project. Perhaps Pua realised what every sound minded Malaysian already knows, that the excess RM220 million the Penang state administration paid consultants for mere pieces of paper was something no human in his (or her) right frame of mind could ever justify.

Yes, Pua saw the need to shift the conversation away from the elephant that was in the yet-to-be-completed tunnel. Never mind that his rationale made absolutely no sense – what was more important for him to do was to protect his boss – Lim Guan Eng – from public scrutiny over the millions the latter ‘dissipated into thin air’.

Perhaps that explains why the DAP parliamentarian took potshots at his onetime best buddy, Eric See-To. And what Pua wrote on his Facebook page yesterday was reflective of the intimidation tactics people like Guan Eng often resort to. On the 16th of July 2016, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) company appointed by the Penang state administration served Gerakan with a legal notice simply for asking too many questions!

One of the questions the BN component party posed pertained documents that bore designs of the tunnel and results of a feasibility study, which Gerakan insisted the state had overpaid the SPV for. When pressed for answers, Guan Eng accused BN of sabotaging Penang’s progress and labelled the ruling coalition “traditional saboteurs.”

When pressed even further, he insisted that a detailed explanation of the cost structure had already been provided by his reps. But the only two attempts ever made by his reps plunged his administration further into murky waters when one of them performed mathematical stunts even Einstein couldn’t possibly have understood.


