A crime is still a crime, Shafie

(LSS) – RM180mil cash has been frozen by the MACC which they believe is part of the RM1.5 billion worth of projects abused by the Rural Development Ministry when Shafie Apdal was in charge.

Seven people, including Shafie Apdal’s younger brother Hamid, nephew Azis Jamman (Warisan Youth chief) and two Sabah Umno Youth leaders have been arrested in connection with the investigations.

MACC is also believed to be calling in several UMNO Sabah ADUNs for questioning over these projects.

So far, the excuses being given by the Warisan Sabah party are mainly saying it is selective prosecution but those detained are strangely not about proclaiming their innocence.

Selective prosecution still means that you have done wrong but you think it is unfair that others have not yet been hauled up.

Even more strange is this statement released by Shafie Apdal yesterday.

This statement basically suggest that Shafie Apdal says he knows a lot about wrong-doings in govt when he was in that “inner circle” and is essentially a threat that should he investigated or brought in for questioning or charged, he will expose the wrong-doings.

One wonder why Shafie Apdal has to wait to be hauled up before he makes these exposes?

This also show that Shafie’s so-called perjuangan is rooted in self-interest and self-preservation and is nothing about fighting wrong-doing or corruption or justice.

Someone who is hiding wrong-doing of the govt while claiming he is fighting the govt for justice is not a fighter for justice or sincere.

Instead of proclaiming your innocence or your willingness to be investigated, you are issuing threats or suggesting you are hiding wrong-doing?

If you are truly innocent then let yourself be investigated and even if charged, clear your name in the courts.

Shafie was the minister in charge of that ministry when all these projects were awarded. Peter Anthony is the Warisan VP while his brother was allegedly in charge of doing some of these projects.

Of course, Shafie will eventually be questioned by MACC.

The question on how Warisan has funded its rapid expansions and its many ceramahs and events has always been a big question mark. Shafie should also answer this question.

Although much reduced since 2009 due to govt policies, Sabah still has the highest poverty rates in Malaysia. These billions in infrastructure projects meant to benefit the poorest Malaysians who has not enjoyed decent roads, have access to electricity or clean water.

To take the money and not deliver these life-changing projects or deliver below specifications is unforgivable.

All politicians should not use the people and their popularity to hide their wrong-doings and corruption. Don’t pretend to be a fighter for justice and the people when you are involved or protecting injustice and have wronged the people – especially those most in need.

No matter how hard or how convincing is your campaign and your political speeches and managed to con your way to have many supporters – wrong is still wrong.

