Mahathir and Kit Siang doing a 69

Basically both Mahathir and Kit Siang have many shared interests. Other than both wanting to see Najib ousted, they both have their sons’ interest in mind. Both need to save their sons from going to jail. And also both want to perpetuate their political dynasty — the Mahathir dynasty and the Lim dynasty. So they are working in tandem and not working in opposite poles.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“MCA should requisition a Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to thrash out once and for all whether the UMNO/BN propaganda attack is going to be: Mahathir is Lim Kit Siang’s stooge or Lim Kit Siang is Mahathir’s stooge!” said Lim Kit Siang in his blog posting.

The problem with Kit Siang is he is looking at things from Superman Hew Kuan Yew’s perspective: either Kit Siang is screwing Mahathir or Mahathir is screwing Kit Siang. It cannot be both together. It must be either one or the other. And why can’t it be both together? Why must it be either one or the other?

The truth is Mahathir and Kit Siang are not taking turns to screw one another, as the message Kit Siang is sending to MCA — or as Superman Hew wants the Chinese to believe. Mahathir and Kit Siang are doing a 69. Hence no one is doing any screwing. It is both are benefiting at the same time.

Kit Siang using Mahathir to screw the Malays, said Superman Hew, when they are actually doing a 69

So why is Kit Siang asking who is the stooge of who, who is using who, or who is screwing who? It is sama-sama enjoy lah brader! You shiok, I pun shiok. And have you noticed that as far as Kit Siang is concerned anyone who does not support DAP is a stooge? The world is divided into two: those who support DAP and those who are stooges.

This whole thing is not about who untung and who rugi. This revolves around mutual interests. They are united by a common objective and the common objective is both want Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak ousted from office.

Mahathir wants Najib out so that he can ‘unfreeze’ his RM100 billion and bring some of the money home. Mahathir, together with Tun Daim Zainuddin, have a combined RM160 billion parked in more than 50 banks all over the world (READ HERE: Mahathir’s RM160 Billion Banking Empire). That has been estimated to now be worth about RM200 billion but the money cannot be brought back to Malaysia as long as Najib is still Prime Minister cum Finance Minister.

This was what Finance Twitter reported on 14th February 2011

Kit Siang, on the other hand, wants Najib out so that he can become Prime Minister. Once Kit Siang is Prime Minister then Mahathir will make a deal with him to allow some of his money to be brought back to Malaysia. Of course, that would cost another couple of billions in under-the-table money. However, since Mahathir has already bribed Kit Siang the first RM1 billion, another couple of billions should be no problem since Kit Siang has proven to be bribable.

So the common objective of wanting Najib ousted makes them work together for mutual gain.

Is that so difficult to understand? It is like when the United States wanted the Russians defeated and the Afghans also wanted the Russians defeated. So they worked together for mutual interest. The US supplied the billions and the Afghans supplied the manpower. The United States wanted to break up the USSR (which happened) while the Afghans wanted the Russian troops out of Afghanistan (which also happened). But for that to happen the Russians needed to first lose the Afghan war (which happened).

Do historians ask who used who and demand that MCA call for a Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to thrash out once and for all whether the Americans are stooges of the Afghans or the Afghans are the stooges of the Americans? Kit Siang has a very myopic way of thinking. If he really wants to come the next Prime Minister of Malaysia he needs to open up his mind a bit more.

When Kit Siang becomes PM Mahathir can unfreeze his RM100 billion parked under proxies, nominees and cronies

Basically both Mahathir and Kit Siang have many shared interests. Other than both wanting to see Najib ousted, they both have their sons’ interest in mind. Both need to save their sons from going to jail. And also both want to perpetuate their political dynasty — the Mahathir dynasty and the Lim dynasty. So they are working in tandem and not working in opposite poles.

Mahathir has money and he has a need. Kit Siang has power and he also has a need. So Mahathir exchanges some of his money for Kit Siang’s power. It is so simple it is mind-boggling that Kit Siang does not understand this: as any person who aspires to be Malaysia’s Prime Minister should be able to understand.

But Kit Siang is not going to share his power with Mahathir unless Mahathir also shares some of his money with Kit Siang. Even then he did not share that power with Mahathir so fast and so easily. He made Mahathir go kowtow to Anwar Ibrahim and get Anwar’s endorsement first. It has to be a threesome or no deal. So Mahathir was forced to go meet Anwar and only when Anwar smiled did Kit Siang agree for PPBM to join Pakatan Harapan and for Mahathir to be made the coalition Chairman — and including not selling Mahathir out at the RCI investigating the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara forex disaster and to give Mukhriz a safe seat to contest in the coming general election.

Kit Siang will give Mukhriz a safe seat to contest the next general election where the Chinese voters can be told to vote for him

Kit Siang added: “This is one basic difference between the Pakatan Harapan and the Barisan Nasional Coalitions, where the four component parties in Pakatan Harapan, whether DAP, PKR, Amanah or Pribumi Bersatu say the same thing and deliver the same message regardless of audience or location, while the Barisan Nasional component parties are utterly dishonest and hypocritical, with UMNO saying one thing to Malay audience but the MCA saying a completely different version to the Chinese audience.”

Kit Siang is so full of shit we can smell it all the way from Manchester. As they say in America, tell it to the Marines. Pleez! Pakatan says the same thing and delivers the same message regardless of audience or location? They cannot even agree whether the Islamic Sharia laws should be abolished and replaced with Secular laws. DAP says Malaysia is a Secular State so Islamic Sharia laws should not apply. Do PKR, PPBM and PAN agree with this?

Even Anwar does not dare say whether he opposes Hudud. When asked he refused to say either ‘yes I oppose Hudud’ or ‘no I support Hudud’. His reply was it is too early to implement Hudud and Malaysians first need to be educated on Hudud and after they can accept Hudud should those laws be implemented.

Even Anwar refuses to support DAP’s plan to abolish Sharia laws and replace them with Secular laws

Is that Kit Siang’s interpretation of they speak with one voice? Is Kit Siang also saying it is too early to implement Hudud and Malaysians first need to be educated on Hudud and after they can accept Hudud should those laws be implemented?

“Why should I be Mahathir’s stooge? I have been accused of receiving RM1 billion bribe from Mahathir. If I have RM1 billion, I can devote the entire sum for the development of the townships of Kota Tinggi, Kulai, Kluang, Segamat, Muar, Batu Pahat and Johore Baru to create new Kota Tinggi, new Kulai, new Kluang, new Segamat, new Muar, new Batu Pahat and new Johor Baru,” said Kit Siang.

This statement is the best one of all. With RM1 billion Kit Siang wants to develop Kota Tinggi, Kulai, Kluang, Segamat, Muar, Batu Pahat and Johore Baru and build new towns called Bandar Baru Kota Tinggi, Bandar Baru Kulai, Bandar Baru Kluang, Bandar Baru Segamat, Bandar Baru Muar, Bandar Baru Batu Pahat and Bandar Baru Johor Baru.

All that with just RM1 billion?

Kit Siang would need to spend the entire RM1 billion just to do the feasibility study since they needed more than RM300 million to do a feasibility study on a short undersea tunnel in Penang. RM1 billion can build less than 100 kilometres of highway. It cannot build 14 new towns. What tok kok is all this? Macam ni ke nak jadi PM Malaysia?

