Mukhriz’s Musical Chair

(BIG DOG DOT COM) – PPBM Deputy President Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir woke up to reality that he no longer enjoy the support and stardom which include the Alumni lead when he received no nomination for the upcoming AGM where there is a Central Committee election.

When nomination closed at 500pm, Alumni of Maktab Rendah Sains MARA students (ANSARA) Secretary General Ahmad Bazlan Che Kassim announced that Mukhriz as the incumbent President reviewed no nomination.

Out of 22 different MRSM Alumni chapters which formed ANSARA, nominations for the President post where only made for ANSARA Deputy President Harun Aminurashid Malek, who is Kuantan chapter and Dato’ Kamarul Redzuan, who is Kota Bahru chapter

Several ANSARA chapters who were said to be “Mukhriz friendly” also did not nominate him.

It was said that Mukhriz is no longer interested to defend his seat, because of “Overstaying his welcome”.

Then again, the writing is on the wall. February last year he resigned as MB Kedah when he lost the majority support of BN ADUNs of Kedah State Assembly and UMNO Kedah leaders.

He was then summarily sacked from UMNO.


