DAP will only uphold the true teachings of Islam

(FMT) – Lim Kit Siang has given an assurance that the DAP would uphold the “real values and true teachings” of Islam and other religions if Pakatan Harapan (PH) takes control of Putrajaya.

The DAP parliamentary leader said all the great faiths, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism, would be protected as they promoted peace, justice and solidarity.

“A DAP and Pakatan Harapan federal government will make Malaysia a model for the world of how people of diverse races, religions, cultures and languages can unite and create a peaceful, harmonious, democratic, progressive and prosperous nation and not to allow a Taliban state as advocated by a few,” he said in a statement today.

The Gelang Patah MP said this in dismissing Umno information chief Annuar Musa’s claim in Kelantan recently that DAP’s domination in PH may mean that secularism would continue to influence the opposition coalition.

Annuar reportedly said Muslim voters should be concerned with the “anti-Islamic ideology” being pushed by DAP, instead of fearing a cooperation between Umno and PAS which were both Muslim parties.

Lim also said it was ironic that Prime Minister Najib Razak was promoting the Global Movement of Moderates at international forums, but had “done nothing” within the country to speak out against forces of extremism and intolerance.

He said moderation and inclusiveness were being set back with the rise of such elements, to the extent that the Sultan of Johor had to declare publicly that Johor was not a Taliban state.

On Sept 27, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar had told off the owner of a laundrette in Muar to open his laundry in Afghanistan if he wanted to continue with his “Muslim-only customer policy.

“I cannot accept this nonsense… This is not a Taliban state and as the Head of Islam in Johor, I find this action to be totally unacceptable as this is extremist in nature,” the ruler was quoted as saying.

Lim also claimed that some people in Malaysia wanted to equate support for Islam as equivalent to support for corruption and kleptocracy.

“We must expose the dishonesty and chicanery of these dishonest politicians who want to distort the true teachings of Islam by equating support for Islam as support for kleptocracy,” he said.

