Chinese are more receptive to Umno than the PAS

(Malaysian Chinese News) – According to a public opinion poll conducted by the Oriental Daily Online, majority of the Chinese electorates do not accept PAS, and also do not accept political party that tied up with PAS.

Oriental Daily Online carried out the “14th General Election Public Opinion Poll” between October 4 and October 11, a total of 14,602 people took part in the poll, the polling results show that Chinese electorates’ acceptance of PAS has been greatly reduced as compared to the last two general elections.

In the last two general elections, PAS had worked hand in hand with the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat, and had created historic record by winning the biggest number of seats. But then it has changed direction, estranged from Pakatan Harapan and withdrew from the Pakatan; although PKR is trying to negotiate with PAS, 46.59% voters who participated in the polling believed that PAS will turn to Umno in the next general election.

Another 31.79% voters opined that PAS will contest by itself, while only 3.56% believed that PAS will cooperate with Pakatan, another 18.06% were uncertain.

Moreover, as a racial based political party, Chinese are slightly more receptive to Umno than the PAS, if they were to choose between Umno and PAS, 15.74% preferred to choose Umno, only 13.29 will opt for PAS. Nevertheless, 70.97% said they may leave their ballot paper blank.

Majority of the readers of Oriental Daily Online belong to the young age group, the factors they will take into consideration when casting their vote are clean government (79.55%) and economy (78.61%), religious factor is least important after racial inequality, democratic human rights and education factors.

Although religious factor is not the most important factor to consider when casting their vote, as many as 56.09% who took part in the opinion poll said they will not support political party that cooperate with PAS. Another 22.42% are undecided, and 21.48% said they will not be affected by PAS.

In addition, 88.82% participants said they will vote in the 14th general election, only about 11% said they will not vote or were undecided.

On the reason they will stay away from the coming general election, 33.53% said it is due to objective factors such as they have to work. Notably, as many as 35% said they will not vote in the general election, as they were not happy with both ruling and opposition parties (17.7%) and opined that their vote will not change the situation (16.44%), and other factors (32.34%).
