The Shafie-KKLW corruption scandal

(LSS) – Many people are still unclear about the Shafie-KKLW corruption scandal which has seen more than 45 people questioned by MACC and many being remanded.

Among those remanded include:
– Warisan Party VP and millionaire contractor businessman Peter Anthony who has long been alleged to be Shafie’s associate,
–  Shafie’s younger brother Yusof Apdal, the UMNO ADUN for Lahad Datu,
– Shafie’s younger brother Hamid Apdal
– Hamid Apdal’s son-in-law
– Tenom Umno Youth chief Jamawi Jaafar and Tawau UMNO Youth Chief Ariffin Kassim – both of whom had worked for Shafie before while at the KKLW ministry.
– Warisan Sabah Youth chief Azis Jamman, who is also Shafie’s nephew
– several former KKLW senior civil servants and businessmen.

The MACC estimates that RM1.5 billion was siphoned off, out of the RM7.5 billion allocated for projects in Sabah involving water, electricity and road infrastructure development.

The modus operandi seems to be that Shafie as the minister would insist on selective tender for these projects where only a selected group of companies were invited to bid for these projects.

The awarded companies were linked to their interests. many projects were not delivered, incomplete or delivered way below specifications or simply failed – but payments were still made with the illegal approval of certain ministry officials.

Later on after 2013, when the Finance Ministry failed to give approval for selective tender and insisted on open tender, Shafie would write appeal letters after appeal letters to insist on selective tenders. It is possible that this is when he started to get angry at the govt

Some people have asked why is action only being taken now and if this is selective prosecution?

Well, the projects were supposed to be carried out between 2009 and 2015.  It would only be after a specific period of time after the projects have been awarded before you can determine if they were actually delivered correctly.

You would not know at the time of contract award or shortly after that as you would have to wait for the progress of the project.

If it was delivered based on contract period, within specifications and within the awarded cost then there would be no problem.

But they were not and yet they got paid.

It was after this that the MACC received reports and started investigations.

Other than Warisan’s top leaders, 3 senior UMNO leaders iwere also arrested – clearly showing that MACC had acted properly.

These projects allegedly embezzled were for the rural areas in Sabah which are among the most deprived and poorest people in Malaysia. Many of these projects – which are basic human requirements – can mean the difference between life and death for them. (see picture).

It would be criminal not to take investigate or take action on those stealing money from the poorest people.

There is simply no question about selective persecution.

