Mahathir is bringing forks and spoons to sword-fights

“Interestingly, I remember the day RPK told me that clever colonels retire as colonels and make good in the real world while only stupid colonels go on to become Generals before retiring into oblivion. “Have you not realised,” said RPK, “that aside from Pakistan, military coups are normally headed by colonels and not generals? Normally in a colonel-headed military coup, it is the generals who would be lined up against the wall to face the firing squad.”


Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is up to his tricks again.

The fractured ex-premier, utterly devastated by the laughable 4,000-odd turnout at the 14th of October 2017 anti-Kleptocracy rally, saw no alternative but to launch a fresh round of attacks against the administration of Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. But instead of striking the Prime Minister directly, he hired some ‘bigshot’ fellow to slingshot the attack by directing it at Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) instead.

Wait..wait… did I just say bigshot?

Sigh…that must have been the shot of tequila I had over diner doing the talking. The last I checked, all the ‘bigshots’ Mahathir assembled in his team were shot down by Najib one by one. And we’re talking the likes of Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Tan Sri Abu Kassim, Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah (the soothsayer), Tan Sri ‘Dragonslayer’ (I’m sure he’s out there somewhere…), and not forgetting, of course, the one and only, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

Yes, the super-duper “I’m out of your face now, so please, leave me alone” Gani Patail.

With the rest of his generals either ‘buried’ or ‘braindead’, Mahathir was left with little choice but to turn to Gani for help. So on Thursday night, Gani got in touch with – you guessed it – Mohamed Arshad Raji, the guy who broke headlines the world over when he single-handedly rescued Pope Francis from a runaway bullet train in the nick of time. So big is this fellow, even Mother Teresa (peace be upon her soul) was known to have said, “My life’s ambition has always been to meet Mohamed Arshad before I die.”

But jokes aside – Gani did get in touch with this retired Brigadier General from out of nowhere and told him to give Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) a “good tongue lashing.” Mohamed Arshad was told that RPK needed to be painted as an anarchist (pic belowseeking to trigger a state of emergency. Instead, the retired Brigadier General told Free Malaysia Today that RPK was irresponsible for inciting unrest by saying the nation was at the brink of a “civil war.”

Interestingly, I remember the day RPK told me that clever colonels retire as colonels and make good in the real world while only stupid colonels go on to become Generals before retiring into oblivion. “Have you not realised,” said RPK, “that aside from Pakistan, military coups are normally headed by colonels and not generals? Normally in a colonel-headed military coup, it is the generals who would be lined up against the wall to face the firing squad.”

Just so that you know, it was Mahathir who insisted that Gani get in touch with Mohamed Arshad. The former premier saw the need to work with Persatuan Patriot Negara (PPN) given that the association sounded very much like “Persatuan Selamatkan Negara” (Save Malaysia Association). Mohamed Arshad is currently the president of  PPN. Needless to say, Mahathir expects you to trust whatever this fellow says simply because he is in the business of ‘saving’ something or other.


