Lim Kit Siang, the Tanjung Bungah landslide and the STC conspiracy

Political expediency can be a very funny thing. It led me to withhold part of a story that should have been told a very, very long time ago.  Today, I have decided to screw expediency and tell that story in favour of justice. Today, for the first time ever, Malaysians will get to know why Lim Kit Siang is an enemy of the state, and how a decision he made in 1985 had a bearing on lives that were lost just yesterday, the 22nd of October 2017.


On the 13th of June 2009, a year after the DAP-led opposition coalition marched into Komtar to form a state government, a high-profile Singaporean Minister met Lim Guan Eng and several of his excos. That Minister was none other than the late Lee Kuan Yew, the man who came up with the Northern State Entrepôt (NSE) concept, a long-range mission he contrived together with Lim Kit Siang in 1985.

The sole purpose of the NSE was to establish a PAP-DAP nexus of “political dominions” that would stretch all the way through major port-bearing constituencies along the Straits of Malacca, extending right up to Hong Kong through the South China Sea. Kuan Yew had in mind the establishment of a northern trade entrepôt to compliment Singapore’s own as part of the PAP’s long-term mission of mediating China’s energy trade with the Middle East.

Yes, while George Soros and the global elites are dead against the idea of any Malaysian leader venturing with China in energy trade, exploration or supply, Kit Siang was already told back in the mid-eighties that the United States (US) flagged Malaysia as a nation of utmost priority, given that the country was nested right in the epicentre of China’s trade gateways – the South China Sea and the Malacca Straits.

When Kuan Yew met Kit Siang 23 years ago, he stressed the need for the DAP to “wrest control of the Malaysian West Coast and the island state of Penang” by whatever means necessary. The senior Lim was told that the Chinese were dead against the idea of working with Singapore to secure a monopoly in Middle Eastern oil trade as the island republic was deemed American ‘sponsored’.

Kwan Yew wanted to use the DAP’s eventual control of trade in the Malacca Straits to convince the Chinese not to build the canal. To make sure Dr Mahathir Mohamed remained at bay, the then Singaporean premier told Kit Siang to establish a working relationship with a PAP sponsored evangelist group that would be stationed in Sabah, Sarawak, Malacca and Penang.

The plan was for the senior Lim to pit the Chinese in the West Coast of the peninsula and the non-Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak against Islam. According to Kuan Yew, the more the Chinese hated Islam, the more they would hate UMNO and ultimately, Mahathir. The Singaporean premier  made very clear that the island state of Penang was to be turned into the NSE assuming the DAP wrested control of the state.

The evangelists were told of the Singaporean Twin City (STC) concept and the West Coast Agenda (WCA) and why their activities needed to be headquartered in Penang. Kuan Yew, who was himself anti-Islam, stressed that Penang needed to be transformed into a rich man’s enclave to drive “underachievers out” of the island state. When he met Guan Eng in 2009, not many know that his mission was to find out what the DAP planned to do about the STC and the WCA.

So you see, Kit Siang had planned since 1985 to turn the Island state of Penang into a rich man’s enclave and a mini-Singapore. The plan has all along been to drive “underachievers” out by allotting land on the island to super-rich developers in quid pro quos involving land reclamation. Kit Siang is the least bit concerned that the cost of living in Penang began charting an exponential curve right after Kuan Yew paid a visit to Komtar.

He knows, as probably does Guan Eng, that the PAP government of Singapore will allot massive funds to help the DAP repurchase parcels of land Guan Eng virtually ‘donated’ to private developers should Pakatan Harapan ever succeed in capturing Perak, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and major constituencies situated along the West Coast and southernmost regions of Johor. And it is this conviction that may have led Guan Eng to slice hillslopes on the island state as if there were no tomorrow.


