Strong Rumours Surrounding The AG: Part 3

It appears like the Attorney-General — just like the Prime Minister and the First Lady — may be innocent victims of name-dropping and of their names being used to collect money after all. Yesterday I met up with a number of my sources from Kuala Lumpur and they handed me a thick file containing all sorts of documents and the contents are astounding. My sources told me the AG is an innocent victim of name-dropping and of his name being used. In fact, even the names of the PM and the First Lady are being used and this con-game involves millions and the total is huge.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Since the last two articles in this series things have become very interesting. Yesterday I met up with my a number of my sources from Kuala Lumpur and they handed me a thick file containing all sort of documents involving a certain ‘powerful figure’ and the contents are astounding.

My sources told me the Attorney-General is an innocent victim of name-dropping and of his name being used. In fact, even the names of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and First Lady Rosmah Mansor are being used by this ‘powerful figure’ and this con-game involves millions and the total is huge.

The articles were titled “Strong rumours surrounding the AG”: parts 1 and 2. So they were not allegations but revelations regarding rumours. Which part of the word ‘rumours’ do they not understand? Anyway, it is regrettable if the AG feels his image has been dented.

The file my sources gave me runs into hundreds of pages and I will need time to go through the papers. But even at a glance it is apparent that fraud was being committed from way back and actually may involve the names of many people being used to perpetuate this fraud. It appears like the AG is not the only victim but Najib and Rosmah are also amongst that long list of jual nama victims, just to name but a few.

I can hand the entire file to the police and let them establish the facts and get to the truth. Then they can confirm whether the rumours are unfounded or have any truth in them. Nevertheless, the file contains more than just the allegations involving the AG and reveals many damaging secrets.

The AG plus those such as the PM and First Lady need to be very careful with whom they surround themselves with and pictures such as the above can get them into a lot of trouble when they are used to con people by those trying to give the impression they are well-connected and can get deals done for a few million ringgit.

Jual nama is a very convenient tool con-men use and Malaysians are somehow very gullible and can get conned so easily if they think you are ‘well-connected’ and have ‘big cables’. I was told even smart businessmen pay RM500,000 for a ‘gelaran’ that in the end never comes.

