Even ‘Tokong’ cannot appease the spirit of the dead

Tokong has a moral obligation to ensure that the SCI leaves no stone unturned. He must make public the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) employed by the One-Stop Centre Committee (OSC) when assessing risk factors for development projects. The public has a right to know what compelled the committee to ignore the DoE’s findings. Until he does that, he can never appease the souls of Bangladeshis who are now seeking restitution of the dignity stolen from them under the state’s foreign apartheid system.


Lim Guan Eng is a foreign apartheid specialist.

The Penang Chief Minister is in cahoots with developer Taman Sri Bunga Sdn Bhd to conceal the disappearance of illegal Bangladeshi nationals. Last Tuesday, The Third Force revealed that as many as nine Bangladeshis may yet be buried at a Tanjung Bungah construction site. It seems the Chief Minister agreed with the developer to a ‘customised missing persons’ list that deliberately omitted the names of those Bangladeshi nationals.

Ever since news of a landslide that struck the site first broke, Guan Eng denied his administration was at fault. He religiously maintained that the tragedy was a worksite accident and not the result of administrative negligence. However, he has yet to explain how he arrived at the conclusion, given that an official probe into the tragedy has yet to be conducted.

Yes, the Chief Minister seems to already know the results of a State Commission of Inquiry (SCI) that has yet to see the light of day. He does, simply because he agreed with the developer on the direction the SCI would head. You see, the Chief Minister cannot afford the authorities discovering the kitchen door deals he entered with the developer just to get the project approved.

More than that, he knows that his administration can never justify its decision to ignore a rejection letter issued by the Department of Environment (DoE). While he blames the DoE for not requesting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), TTF has proven that an assessment of such nature was never warranted (READ HERE). So you see, the Chief Minister will say just about anything to convince you the DoE is at fault.


