Nothing for ‘source’ Ambiga to reveal, says minister

(MMO) – A minister today answered his own challenge for Datuk Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan to expose what she knows about the prime minister purportedly giving millions to PAS leaders.

After issuing the demand, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak clearly did not transfer RM90 million to PAS leaders as the Sarawak Report news site alleged last year.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sued Sarawak Report’s Clare Rewcastle-Brown in London over the claim, and the latter subsequently named Ambiga as the source of the allegation when filing her statement of defence.

“She (Ambiga) will definitely not expose anything, because we know that it (the alleged payment) is an untruth, which is why Hadi Awang brought the matter to court,” Abdul Rahman told BNBBC portal.

“Ustaz Hadi took the action because such allegations affect his reputation as a leader, so I dismiss any possibility that Ambiga will reveal any evidence or her sources.”

He earlier said it was imperative for Ambiga to share what she learned about the purported payment from her sources.

Earlier today, Ambiga told Malay Mail Online she could not comment as the matter was now before the courts in the UK.

Citing from Rewcastle-Brown’s statement of defence, The Malaysian Insight news portal yesterday reported that she claimed to have spoken to Ambiga in July 2016 about PAS, Najib and 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

She then claimed that Ambiga told her she had learned from “reliable” sources about the alleged payment of RM90 million from Najib to “PAS leaders”.

Hadi sued Rewcastle-Brown in April over a report on her site last year alleging that PAS leaders were paid the RM90 million by Najib to stop attacking 1MDB.

Hadi is seeking an undisclosed amount in damages and an injunction preventing Rewcastle-Brown from repeating the allegations.

In August, a London court ordered Rewcastle-Brown to pay £15,000 (RM84,000) or two-thirds of the cost to Hadi after she failed to convince the court to compel Hadi pay a deposit to cover her legal costs.

