If Ambiga keeps mum, her reputation and credibility is at stake, PAP claims

(MO) – Former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan’s silence over allegations that she is the source of information for Sarawak Report founder and editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown seems to put into question her credibility as a law practitioner.

Penang Alternative Party (PAP) vice-president Rahmad Isahak said the fact that Ambiga is not refuting the allegations will only harm her reputation and credibility.

Newsportal The Malaysian Insight, in an article, claimed that via a copy of Rewcastle-Brown’s Defence and Counterclaim supplied to it, she claimed to have spoken to Ambiga in July 2016 about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and PAS.

“Ambiga had told the defendant that her sources, whom she said were reliable, had estimated the amount that had been paid was around RM90 million,” the article cited the Sarawak Report editor as saying in a court filing.

The amount was with regard to a claim made by Sarawak Report that senior PAS leaders had received money from Najib.

“Her credibility is questionable if she keeps silent on the matter, causing her to breach the legal code of conduct.

“This gives rise to questions whether she has also breached the Legal Profession Act 1976.

“As long as she maintains her silence on the serious allegation that she’s the one giving out information already documented legally, then her credibility and integrity are questionable as it’s against the code.

“Just imagine if the allegations are true then it also raises questions whether the high profile and confidential cases handled by Ambiga are also safe from being shared or divulged to the other side,” said Rahmad in a statement here today.


