DAP must stop hating Mahathir so that Umno can be destroyed

(FMT) – A Sarawak DAP youth leader has come out with a passionate plea to opposition supporters to put aside their personal hatred towards Dr Mahathir Mohamad and focus on ousting Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election (GE14).

Petra Jaya DAP Socialist Youth (DAPsy) publicity secretary Abdul Aziz Isa turned the tables on those who are criticising the former prime minister, saying that not supporting Pakatan Harapan (PH) will only “see you suffer, not Mahathir”.

“I understand that some people are still unable to accept him. Love him, or hate him, he has admitted his mistakes in his own way.

“But would you rather suffer for the next five years under Prime Minister Najib Razak just because of your personal hatred towards Mahathir?”,” Aziz said in a statement today.

He added that while he too may not have agreed with some policies implemented during Mahathir’s time, “one could not expect their 92-year-old grandpa to say sorry”.

Aziz, who is also special assistant to Saraawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen, said that the alternative was giving Barisan Nasional (BN) another five years.

“Yes, you may say that he created the monster, but the only way to destroy the monster is to let the creator do it.

“However, if you give BN another five years, then that means you are the one who’s destroying this nation,” he said.

Aziz did not mince his words for the most steadfast against the PH chairman, arguing that they should go even further back history to place some blame at their own parents and other elders.

“If you blame Mahathir for all of these miseries, why don’t you blame your parents or your family members who voted BN and Alliance since 1957?

“If they didn’t vote for BN, Mahathir and Najib would have not become our prime minister,” he said, adding that those who disagreed with him on this point, “have a super-ego”.

Appealing for some consideration for the sake of the next generation, Aziz it was time to put aside such emotions.

“If you keep thinking about your own ego, well, you will suffer, not Mahathir.

“He is running out of time in this world but you will probably be here for the next 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 years and so on.”

