Clare Brown, Ambiga and mission UMNO destruct

“Not only are these outfits linked to Ambiga and Maria one way or the other, they were used to contrive crisis scenarios with the express intent of bringing down “the Najib regime.” Yes, the recent “Love Malaysia, end Kleptocracy” rally in Padang Timor was a precursor to bigger events that are currently in the pipeline, all designed to fan emotions and trigger bloodshed. The fact remains, that not only is the former Bersih co-chairperson getting her cues from Soros, she is under strict instructions to do whatever it takes to make damn sure Malaysians strike out the ruling Barisan Nasional come the next general election”


One cannot blindly bundle women of Indian ethnicity into a group and call them prostitutes. So says PKR’s G Sivamalar, who insists that doing so threatens to disrupt race relations in the country. From one standpoint, I do agree with her – it would be wrong for anyone to say or imply anything to that effect, as not only would it be demeaning to all womenfolk, it isn’t in the best interest of the majority.

Yes, while Malaysians are at liberty to say whatever it is they wish to say, that liberty is not without limits. The Federal Constitution simply does not grant you the right to say something that has the potential of harming or offending another. If you do, then what you say can and will be construed as injurious, particularly if it is said in a manner that is blatant and without regard for the feelings of that other.

But then, if what you say takes into account the interests of the many – as Sivamalar herself did – it could be well worth the harm caused to the one, as the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the one. For instance, if I were to tell you that Dato’ Seri Ambiga Sreenevasan is a prostitute, it would be worthwhile the hurt it causes her if what I say is without prejudice and in the best interest of the people.

So here I am, telling you guys that Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan is indeed a prostitute. She is, simply because she chooses to use her talents in very unethical and unprofessional ways. Once case in example is her decision to help Bank Islam lawyer Tommy Thomas fabricate evidence against Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim in a bid to bring the then Menteri Besar of Selangor down.


