Sarawak Report not cricket, old girl?

KTemoc Konsiders

A very puzzling person in recent Malaysian times has been Clare Rewcastle Brown, who is reputed to be a British journalist. As she was born in Sarawak, I suppose it’s only natural for her to be still interested in Sarawak affairs.

Indeed, she founded the co-called Sarawak Report which has been referred to in recent news and blog postings. The Sarawak Report described itself as “a group of citizens and onlookers deeply concerned by the situation in Sarawak, East Malaysia.”

She is also founder of Radio Free Sarawak which together with Sarawak Report has not been complimentary of Peh-Mor and family, and their asset holdings in the USA and Canada, wakakaka.

I too am interested in the alleged notorious affairs of Peh-Mor, where I have heard of umpteen bundles of RM100 notes being carried in brief cases casually around the Sarawak boondocks and mysteriously ‘left lying here and there’, wakakaka, during election times.

Whatever, Clare Rewcastle Brown probing into Sarawakian affairs seems to be fine and natural for someone who continues to hold such an immense interest in her birth place.

She first came to my notice when she was engaged in a verbal tiff with RPK. T’was about 1MDB. It would appear Clare Rewcastle Brown has spread her investigative interests outside of Sarawak and over the South China Sea into Peninsular Malaysia politics.

She has been said to even provide information that Najib has ang-pow-rised Hadi Awang with RM90 million – or was it RM200 million – for the latter to allegedly not korek into 1MDB affairs during parliamentary sessions.


