When the BBC sang Clare Brown the Swan Song

“And it is this rivalry that allowed me to sight some of the evidence Ms. Rewcastle fabricated against British MPs back in the eighties. The Sarawak Report Chief Editor knows, that should she ever stick her oars in the affairs of British MPs, Blair’s associate will immediately release documentary evidence implicating her and Andrew of criminal intimidation and acts of subversion. Why else do you think she has her guns trained on Najib and not the 32 British MPs accused of sexual misconduct?”


Clare Rewcastle Brown is no stranger to Malaysians.

For the past three years or so, the Sarawak Report Chief Editor has been dishing out some of the most incredible stories we have read to date. Most of these stories are lined in conspiracy with the Prime Minister of Malaysia being the chief protagonist. If he isn’t a thief, he is a liar. If he isn’t a liar, he is a skunk.

Whichever way the wheel is spun, the spoke always seems to face Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. The Rewcastle philosophy has it that the Prime Minister needs to be brought down during the 14th general election (GE14) should we ever hope to see a better Malaysia. If we give choose him another term, democracy would forever fade beneath the shadow of his guile and might of his dictatorship.

Yes, so awe inspired are Malaysians with her twaddle, everyone forgets to ask the billion-dollar question – just what is it that drives this lady? Why would an independent British journalist unattached to major news corporations be that determined to destroy Najib? Would she not rather punish Tory Members of Parliament (MPs) whose names were recently floated amid allegations of sexual abuse in Westminster?

The alleged misdemeanors by the “three dirty dozen” first appeared in a dossier compiled by members of the Conservative Party, a party both Ms. Rewcastle and her husband, Andrew Brown, are dead against. The Tories and Labour are running multiple investigations into MPs and frontbenchers flowing claims of sexual misconduct that has seen one cabinet minister ejected. So where is Ms. Rewcastle in all this?

Why is she not holding a chunk of the British House of Commons accountable for their crimes? In a Case Management hearing called on 2nd of August 2017, a London court ruled against her defense by rejecting claims that Prime Minister of Malaysia was criminally perverse. So why does she still insist on scandalizing this one man when she has a whole zoo of British MPs to tear apart on home ground?

Well, the answer is simple – she can’t.

If Ms. Rewcastle were to so much as comment on the Westminster Sexual Scandal, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) would immediately release a document proving that she conspired with her husband to manipulate the 1992 British election. Then an investigative journalist, she undertook to fabricate evidence against Labour MPs who she felt would prevent Gordon Brown from advancing his career towards premiership.

It all began in 1983, when a young and ambitious Ms. Rewcastle took on a secretarial job with the BBC. Around then, she got acquainted with a private eye named Joseph Drake who began feeding her information that was damaging to the reputation of British politicians. Whenever her boss needed a scoop, she would be the first to turn up at his office with “smoking gun” evidence that seemed absolutely incriminating against some MP or other.

Late in 1986, the then director general of the BBC, Alasdair David Gordon Milne, began taking notice of her and assigned a private eye to follow her around. Months later, news of her associations with Drake and an intelligence whistleblower named Arthur Wilkinson was made known to Alastair. In January 1987, just as the director general was about to strike on Ms. Rewcastle, he was forced out of the BBC by the then Prime Minister of the UK, Margaret Thatcher.

Now, the person who triggered Thatcher’s discovery into Alastair’s affairs was none other than Andrew Brown. Then a script writer with the BBC, he sought the assistance of his brother, Gordon Brown, to feed Thatcher’s private secretary with documentary evidence Ms. Rewcastle obtained from Wilkinson. Just so that you know, Gordon was then a Member of Parliament representing the Labour Party in Dunfermline East.


