Hadi checkmates Ambiga and Clare

Ambiga can deny she told Clare that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe (which will kill Clare’s defence in the UK court that she was ‘reliably informed’, which means she lied) or, if she admits she did tell Clare that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe, that would mean Clare made that allegation based purely on hearsay and not based on tangible evidence (which will kill Clare’s defence in the UK court because hearsay is not admissible in court unless Ambiga goes to court and testifies that she did indeed tell Clare that).


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This is what Ambiga Sreenevasan said today:

It has been reported in the Malaysian media that the police are investigating me under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998 [MCMC Act 1998] pursuant to a police report lodged by UMNO’s Zulkarnain Mahdar.

Legal views have already been expressed as to the inappropriateness of the police action. It is difficult to understand how a defence which mentions me, and is taken by a defendant to resist a defamation action filed voluntarily by a Malaysian politician in a London court, (and thus protected by absolute privilege), can constitute a criminal offence in Malaysia.

I only wish to add that in my view this investigation follows a concerted effort by parties linked with the Claimant in the civil action in the UK, to harass and intimidate me in connection with the defence filed by the defendant. There is also a lack of appreciation that harassing and intimidating a potential witness is viewed very seriously in any court and would be tantamount to contempt.

Clare fingered Ambiga as the rat and now her panties are all twisted into knots

This was also covered by Malay Mail Online in the news report ‘Ambiga: How Is Being Mentioned In Lawsuit Defence A Crime?’ (READ HERE).

In that news report PKR’s Member of Parliament, N. Surendran, demanded that the IGP, Mohamad Fuzi Harun, explain the legal basis for initiating a criminal investigation against Ambiga, saying that a fundamental legal principle was that no one can be accused of a criminal offence for either an act or omission by another party.

If this is the way the law works then how can Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak be considered guilty based merely on allegations made by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and all his paid minions and foreign bloggers and journalists that he bribed to slander Najib? As Surendran said, “A fundamental legal principle was that no one can be accused of a criminal offence for either an act or omission by another party.”

Pakatan Harapan people are always getting caught in their own web of deceit. They lay a trap for others and when they get caught in their own trap they cry foul and scream that this is not how the game should be played. These Pakatan people are downright sore losers. When they touch the ball they say it is not a foul but when others touch the ball they cry foul.

Surendran should slow down on the toddy because he always talk-kok

Surendran is one mother of a pundek. Maybe he should slow down on the toddy because he is talking nonsense.

The truth is the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, has pushed Ambiga and Clare Rewcastle Brown into a corner and both are now trapped like cornered rats.

By the way, did you know that male rats are called bucks, female rats are called does, pregnant or parent female rats are called dams, infant rats are called kittens or pups, while a group of rats is referred to as a mischief.

So when two female rats get together they are called mischief…which is probably why Ambiga and Clare get up to so much mischief when you corner them like rats.

Clare fingered Ambiga as the rat

Anyway, Clare ratted on Ambiga and fingered her as the rat who alleged that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million for PAS to leave Pakatan — forgetting that it was Lim Kit Siang who closed down Pakatan and announced that Pakatan no longer exists and that DAP is cutting ties with PAS because DAP can never accept Sharia laws in Malaysia (also forgetting that Sharia laws have been around since 1,000 years, long before Kit Siang ran away from China and came to Malaysia).

And this suits Hadi just fine. Now the police are going to record Ambiga’s statement (which is why Surendran and Ambiga are hayun macam mabuk todi) and this is going to place both rats in an even tighter corner.

Ambiga can deny she told Clare that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe (which will kill Clare’s defence in the UK court that she was ‘reliably informed’, which means she lied) or, if she admits she did tell Clare that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe, that would mean Clare made that allegation based purely on hearsay and not based on tangible evidence (which will kill Clare’s defence in the UK court because hearsay is not admissible in court unless Ambiga goes to court and testifies that she did indeed tell Clare that).

An even more interesting development is that Ambiga, Clare and those many other Pakatuns, are now denying they accused Najib of bribing Hadi. They say they never mentioned Hadi’s name. Are they now making a U-turn and saying that Najib did not bribe Hadi after all? Either Najib did bribe Hadi or Najib did not bribe Hadi. And now they say they never accused Najib or bribing Hadi.

The important point to note here is if they think they can get away with it they will make all sorts of allegations. But once they are caught they will deny making that allegation. If the allegation is true just admit making that allegation and show the evidence. After all Clare did say she has six boxes of evidence…or was it Ezam Mohd Nor who said that?

Anyway, she said she has loads of evidence and now all the court needs is one piece of paper and she cannot show it and needs to blame Ambiga for telling her that cerita dongeng.

Clare also fingered Kevin because dead men tell no tales

When Clare gets caught she fingers dead people like Anthony Kevin Morais and people like Ambiga who wishes she was dead and not have to face the kemaluan besar of being proven a liar. So now the ball is at Ambiga’s feet and she either tells the police that Clare lied (hence throwing the ball back to Clare) or tell the police Clare told the truth (and hence go down for lying).

And that was when they asked Husam Musa to come to the rescue. Husam used to be the late Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s blue-eyed boy and slotted to be the new Kelantan Menteri Besar until Nik Aziz found out the truth about him. Husam is being funded by the Chinese gambling syndicate plus he doctored the Minutes of the Kelantan EXCO Meeting (a skill be probably picked up from Sarawak Report) and Nik Aziz found out. So that ended his relationship with Nik Aziz and in the last general election PAS exiled him to Putrajaya to be slaughtered by Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

Husam has been promised the post of Kelantan MB if he helps save Ambiga’s ass

So Husam is now spoiled goods but Pakatan has promised that if they win Kelantan in the next general election they will make him the Menteri Besar. But first Husam must help save Ambiga by announcing that he has personally sighted the documents involving Najib bribing Hadi with RM90 million.

However, Husam’s confession was left vague just in case. Husam said, “A certain amount of money was channelled through the bank to several parties linked to the PAS leadership.” That type of confession does not quite finger Hadi with receiving a RM90 million bribe from Najib but then it does not open Husam to any danger of being sued as well. It is just talking without saying.

Husam also said, “Rafizi has made a statutory declaration that till today has not been challenged by Nasharudin Mat Isa or by other PAS leaders.” Well, Malaysia Today has also many times accused him of receiving financing from the Chinese gambling syndicate and Husam, too, has never denied it. And he cannot deny it because there are witnesses who can testify to this and can even state the time, date and place when the money was paid.

So, before Husam challenges others he must first first of all clear the allegations against him. And does he want to see the copy of the Minutes of the Kelantan EXCO Meeting that he forged and which he tricked Nik Aziz into signing?

