Ambiga Sreenevasan, the RM20 million mercenary for hire

“And don’t get me wrong here. By prostitute, I am referring to your disposition to “misuse your talent or behave unworthily for personal or financial gain,” which, according to the Oxford dictionary, makes you one. And yes, you’re doing this for financial gain. As a matter of fact, you’ve already chalked up RM20 million in various asset categories currently held in trust by companies and persons affiliated to you”


Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan is a marvel.

The former Bersih co-chairperson, now a fugitive of her own conscience, is ramping up public support against attempts she claims are designed to harass and intimidate her. While she has yet to name me or any one party for that matter, whoever she is referring to, she is linking that person to Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, the man who filed a defamation suit against Clare Rewcastle Brown on the 27th of April 2017.

It is one of these stories that led to the lawsuit Hadi brought against her in the United Kingdom (UK). The suit, filed at the London High Court, pertains allegations that the PAS president was bribed RM90 million by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. On the 11th of October 2017, Clare Brown filed a Defense and Counterclaim statement, naming Ambiga as the person who told her that Najib spend RM90 or so million to grease the palms of some PAS leaders in return for political favours.

Now, the minute I read the counterclaim, I remembered what my sources from the United States (US) had once told me. According to them, the Sarawak Report Chief editor was about to pull a stunt of some sort just to stretch the trial past the 14th general election. On the 3oth of October 2017, Malaysians came to know just what that stunt was. On that day, the name Ambiga Sreenevasan was granted such fame, that had you looked it up on Google, you’d have been directed to articles smothering her morals and virtues in ambiguity.

My sources are dead sure she did, though I chose to disregard their views insofar as the UK trial was concerned. And that only left me wondering if indeed the Bersih co-chairperson conspired to put a spoke in Najib’s and Hadi’s wheels. It was with such wonder that I asked her to address claims Clare made in the counterclaim statement. All I wanted to know, is if it was she who initiated the Sarawak Report Chief Editor into the Najib-bribed-Hadi-RM90-million track.

No harm in that, right?

Not according to Ambiga, no. Last Friday, the 10th of November 2017, she undertook to brand people like me as parties linked to the Claimant, meaning, I am linked to Hadi one way or the other. Now, just to be clear, Hadi is the Claimant in the UK trial, given that it was he who filed a defamation suit against Clare with the London Court. In the blink of an eye, Ambiga turned me from a concerned party to a party linked to the Claimant just because I asked her a question that related to Clare.

Yes, it is quite amazing how sensitive Ambiga gets every time you bundle her name with Clare’s. Ask her anything about the Sarawak Report Chief Editor, and she accuses you of being Hadi’s accomplice. Ask her why she is evading Clare, and she’ll probably tell you and Hadi to suck eggs. I bet you, if you were to ask her what colour panties Clare likes to wear, she will accuse you and Hadi of conspiring to make that colour public.

Interestingly, this is the same Ambiga who told everyone last Friday that people like me are harassing and intimidating her. According to her, these acts of harassment and intimidation are “tantamount to contempt (of court)” as she is now a potential witness to the London case. In other words, Ambiga is saying that asking her anything about Clare is highly sub judicial, given that she (Ambiga) may now be required to attend the London Court to present her side of the story.

Just for a moment, let us assume that to be true.

Under the circumstances, isn’t the act of branding people like me as parties linked to the Claimant equally sub judicial? Let us not forget, that the Claimant – Hadi – is an integral part of a case Ambiga is now a potential witness to. So tell me, why must the rules only apply to me and not her? Why is it only sub judicial when people like me – who, by the way, are not bound by British jurisprudence – question Ambiga and not when she slanders Hadi?

Makes sense?

And let us not forget, that since she branded me a party linked to the Claimant, the onus is now on her to prove that I actually am linked to Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, a man I have never met, let alone spoken to or associated with in any way. The onus is also on her to prove that whatever I have written thus far about her, it was written with prejudice and is sub judicial to a case now under judicial consideration in London.

And don’t get me wrong here. By prostitute, I am referring to your disposition to “misuse your talent or behave unworthily for personal or financial gain,” which, according to the Oxford dictionary, makes you one (READ HERE). And yes, you’re doing this for financial gain. As a matter of fact, you’ve already chalked up RM20 million in various asset categories currently held in trust by companies and persons affiliated to you.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.


