Dzulkifli is an obstacle to the RM1 billion a year ‘black economy’

But Dzulkifli chose to stay clean and because of that he must die. The ‘problem’ with Dzulkifli is that he fears God more than he fears man and he is more concerned with what is going to happen to him in the Afterlife if he takes the money than what will happen to him in this life if he does not. And this makes people like Dzulkifli very difficult to kowtim.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

They have not let up yet. They are still out to get the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner, Dzulkifli Ahmad. And this is because the stakes are high. Dzulkifli is an obstacle to the RM1 billion a year ‘black economy’.

Dzulkifli used to be a senior officer in the Attorney-General’s Chambers and when he was promoted as the MACC Chief in July 2016 certain ‘powerful figures’ within ‘the system’ approached him to ask him to join ‘The Cartel’. This Cartel consists of those who decide what happens in Malaysia and has the power of life and death over you — figure of speech, of course, but sometimes literally as well.

Dzulkifli refuses to play ball and is an obstacle to the RM1 billion a year ‘black economy’

Dzulkifli is expected to stay on as the MACC Chief for at least five years until 2021 and that poses a huge problem for the Cartel. The RM1 billion a year ‘black economy’ is too huge to allow Dzulkifli to obstruct so they needed to find a way to get rid of him.

For about a year they tried but could not find anything to use against him. He was squeaky clean and a man like this does not have any hidden skeletons in his closet. So they had no choice but to fabricate something and that was when they came out with the so-called ‘video’, which is actually still shots of Dzulkifli holding hands with a divorcee.

Other than just still shots of Dzulkifli holding hands with a divorcee there is nothing else incriminating they can use against him. And they are using those photos of Dzulkifli holding hands with a divorcee to try to send him to jail (or at the very least try to get Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to remove him as the MACC Chief and not allow him to stay on until 2021).

This was what they used to do to people who refused to play ball with the Cartel in the old days

As it is the ‘black economy’ is already taking a beating because of the actions of the MACC. The Cartel is suffering a huge loss of income because the MACC is relentlessly pursuing the bad guys. It is almost like back in the days of Chicago and New York when the bad guys used to run city hall and the good guys get a bullet in the head if they refuse to join the bad guys or refuse to turn the other way and close both eyes when the bad guys do their thing.

One of the bad guys even went to complain to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that the MACC has frozen the bank accounts of those people linked to the RM1.5 billion Sabah corruption scandal and they need those bank accounts unfrozen as they need the money for the coming general election.

Those powerful people within the system a.k.a. the Cartel then tried to get Dzulkifli to play ball by unfreezing those bank accounts but he refused. And this is not the first time in over a year that he has refused to play ball. It is bad enough he refuses to join the Cartel. But refusing to turn away and close both eyes is just too much.

Jahabar Sadiq of The Malaysian Insight used to fly to London twice a year on economy class and now he flies to London twice a month on first class so how much is he being paid to bring down Dzulkifli?

The Malaysian Insight has been tasked with the job of conducting this Crusade against Dzulkifli. They are supposed to repeat again and again the story of Dzulkifli holding hands with a divorcee and publish the photographs and the so-called video in The Malaysian Insight. As long as Dzulkifli refuses to join the Cartel or play ball by turning away and closing both eyes they are going to continue to attack him.

Dzulkifli has only one choice. He can cooperate with the Cartel and become very rich by the time he leaves in 2021 or they will try to get rid of him before 2021. If Dzulkifli joins the Cartel or does its bidding he will be guaranteed of earning not less than RM200 million by 2021. In fact, on the RM1.5 billion Sabah corruption case alone they have promised him RM20 million.

But Dzulkifli chose to stay clean and because of that he must die. The ‘problem’ with Dzulkifli is that he fears God more than he fears man and he is more concerned with what is going to happen to him in the Afterlife if he takes the money than what will happen to him in this life if he does not. And this makes people like Dzulkifli very difficult to kowtim.

However, those powerful figures in the system are not going to allow Dzulkifli to disrupt their business and continue to be an obstacle to the RM1 billion a year ‘black economy’. And if the pictures of Dzulkifli holding hands with a divorcee is not enough to bring him down they will come out without something else very soon. They need Dzulkifli out before the next general election and if what the Deputy Prime Minister said is true they have only six months more to do that.


Dzulkifli’s last position in the AG’s Chambers was head of the National Revenue Recovery Enforcement team. Prior to this, he headed the anti-money laundering unit. Dzulkifli also served as secretary to the special task force on 1MDB, replacing Jessica Gurmeet Kaur after she, along with former MACC adviser Rashpal Singh, were investigated over a fabricated charge sheet against the Prime Minister.

