Pribumi sec-gen gives statement to RoS

(The Star) – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s Datuk Dr Shahruddin Md Salleh (pic) was questioned by the Registrar of Societies (RoS) on Tuesday following complaints lodged by party members on several issues.

The Pribumi secretary-general arrived here at 10am and emerged from the headquarters just after 1pm.

“I was questioned on several issues based on complaints lodged by members from several party divisions. They were all constitutional matters.

“I tried to answer as best as I could on certain actions taken, which were based on the party’s constitution.

“I gave my statement and provided some evidence to the investigating officer,” Dr Shahruddin told reporters after his meeting with RoS.

He said he expects to be called up by the RoS again to provide further explanation on other issues.

“I don’t think this is the final round of investigations. I believe they will call me up again, and I have indicated to them that I am ready to return,” he said.

Dr Shahruddin, however, declined to reveal what the complaints were about.

“The matter is still being investigated by the RoS so I do not think it is the right time for me to reveal this. All I can say is these are matters relating to the constitution,” he said.

Members of Pribumi divisions in Johor had lodged reports with the RoS over the party’s failure to conduct annual general meetings at division and branch levels.

The party was also recently warned by the RoS for using the name “Armada” for its youth wing, despite it not being stated in Pribumi’s constitution.

Dr Shahruddin said the party’s youth chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman will be called up by the RoS soon to clarify the matter.

“The investigating officers will call up the youth chief and the secretary on this matter. A notice has been issued, so I think the meeting will be held soon as Syed Saddiq is currently overseas,” he said.

