Kit Siang checkmates Mahathir, proves he is Pakatan Top Dog

TTF: Wan Azizah wants you to think that the RoS is toying with PPBM (see news item below). But she is wrong. The only person doing the toying is Lim Kit Siang, who, together with Khairuddin Abu Hassan, has succeeded in casting a shadow of doubt on Mahathir’s position in Pakatan Harapan.

It all began in June 2016.

Back then, the senior Lim was receptive to the idea of Muhyiddin being made Deputy Prime Minister under a government led by Mahathir. But he has since changed his mind. Seeing that support for the DAP waned ever since Mahathir anointed himself Pakatan’s Top Dog, the senior Lim now wants Mahathir’s grip on PPBM to be weakened.

To do that, he paid Khairuddin RM5 million and promised him another five to rally branch and division support in PPBM against Muhyiddin. Kit Siang knows that the PPBM president is on Mahathir’s leash and beholden to his whims (READ HERE). So getting Muhyiddin out of the picture was one way he could weaken Mahathir’s grip on the party.

Needless to say, Khairuddin immediately got to work and amassed some 200 signatures from members of branches and divisions allied to him. These signatures were then included in a poison pen letter that Kit Siang fabricated. The letter demanded that Muhyiddin be demoted or sacked for soliciting bribes from party leaders.

And that effectively put Mahathir in a spot. 

If the former premier refuses to have Muhyiddin removed, he risks having PPBM deregistered, as branches and divisions allied to Khairuddin will refuse to conduct AGMs. If, however, Mahathir has Muhyiddin sacked, branches and divisions allied to the latter will demand an EGM to determine if the former premier should remain party chairman. 

Yes, it’s checkmate.

Kit Siang’s poison pen letter has effectively cast a shadow of uncertainty on Mahathir’s position in Pakatan Harapan. If there is one thing the senior Lim has succeeded in doing, it is to prove that he is truly the Top Dog in Pakatan Harapan. 

Note: Another article detailing the plot will be out later today.


