Let’s hear from Dr M on PPBM’s stand on UEC

DAP has a habit of speaking on behalf of others as if they are the ‘Boss’ and calling the shots. If that’s the impression or projection that they are trying to show to the Chinese voters, the truth is far from reality.

Ti Lian Ker, Berita Daily

From the past it has been proven that DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng, supremo Lim Kit Siang, organising secretary Anthony Loke and others had spoken falsely on behalf of PAS, giving misleading assurances and false undertakings.

To quote DAP’s publicity chief Tony Pua, we don’t need a “nobody” to speak on behalf of Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad or PPBM president Muhyiddin Yassin.

Who is Teo Nie Cheng to rubbish off Muhyiddin when they come to power? In the past Teo had to resort to Facebook to correct Muhyiddin’s statement that Pakatan will not necessarily recognise UEC if they come to power.

She has falsely referred to Pakatan Rakyat’s defunct Buku Jingga and election manifesto to rebut Muhyiddin as follows:

“Recognising UEC has always been our common agenda. It is in Buku Jingga and the People’s Manifesto, which were produced in 2013.”

Is this how DAP functions? By using their “nobody” to rubbish their “somebody” as if they are the boss? Or is this another way of pulling wools over their “zombie” eyes to show or pretend that they are the “Top Dog” now and Mahathir is only their “puppet in a string”?

If this is so, I expect the father and son team of Kit Siang and Guan Eng to speak out and not to hide behind (to use Tony Pua’s words) a “nobody” individual leader who may not be there to be accountable as been practiced by DAP in the past.

Further let me remind Teo that Pakatan Rakyat is now defunct and all their promises in Buku Jingga or the GE13 election manifesto are a farce.

My advise to DAP and Teo is to let the Pakatan Harapan “top dog” Mahathir to speak for himself. By the way, Pakatan Rakyat top dog was Anwar Ibrahim and now it is Mahathir’s call in Pakatan Harapan.

My question was directed at the man himself and the rakyat wants to hear from him if he has changed his mind or he will “mudah lupa” when assume power in Putrajaya later!

By the way Umno under Prime Minister Najib Razak is willing to consider recognising UEC as manifested by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and party information chief Annuar Musa.

The obstacles for UEC recognition was when Mahathir, Anwar and Muhyiddin helmed the party and the Ministry of Education.

Umno is not the obstacle to UEC recognition if Mahathir’s support group Perkasa do not declare war. Again DAP and Teo got their facts wrong or are just confused.

Let’s hear it from Mahathir and PPBM instead.

Ti Lian Ker is MCA publicity spokesman and the party’s religious harmony bureau chairman
