Johor Sultan tells Malay leaders to quit power struggles, unite for sake of Malays

“Come what may, the interest and influence of Malays must be guarded without compromise or indecision,” the Sultan added. “What more in Johor, where the most organised and successful Malay struggle began, and is now the strongest fortress in the country.”

(NST) – The Sultan of Johor has called on Malay leaders to step back from power struggles that “will eventually cause Malays to be divided and weak”.

Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar said in a “message for Johor Malays” that Malaysia’s majority community are being dragged into “crisis of credibility that is damaging the image and faith in institutions led by Malays”.

“I wish to voice out my deep concern over the crisis is that is haunting Malays at this very moment,” he said in a statement in conjunction with his 59th birthday.

Although the ruler of the southern state did not name any specific person or organisation, some Malaysian media and analysts noted his recent war of words with former premier Mahathir Mohamad, who has formed a new party with ex-Johor chief minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

The two former Umno stalwarts are now part of an opposition locked in an increasingly heated battle with the dominant Malay party led by Prime Minister Najib Razak ahead of a national election that must be held by August.

“The fragmentation of Malay political parties is probably at its severest today,” Rajaratnam School of International Studies’ senior fellow Johan Saravanamuttu told The Straits Times.

Today, there are five main Malay political parties in Peninsular Malaysia, including Datuk Seri Najib’s United Malays National Organisation (Umno).

Its traditional enemy is Parti Islam SeMalaysia, or PAS.

In 1999, a Malay-led multiracial party led by former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim was formed, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

And in the last two years, two more Malay parties have been established.

One was Parti Amanah Negara which is a splinter of PAS.

Dr Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyiddin last year set up Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).

PAS today remain an opposition party but is friendly to Umno,

The other three – PKR, Amanah and PPBM – are in an opposition alliance that includes Chinese-led Democratic Action Party.

“Come what may, the interest and influence of Malays must be guarded without compromise or indecision,” the Sultan added. “What more in Johor, where the most organised and successful Malay struggle began, and is now the strongest fortress in the country.”

He was likely referring to the state as Umno’s birthplace, and therefore where Malaysia’s independence was won 60 year ago.

Although Malaysia’s nine Malay sultans are largely ceremonial figures in a constitutional monarchy, they wield wide influence in their respective states especially in issues concerning Malays and Islam.

They have begun wading into current and political issues, especially Sultan Ibrahim, who in recent months chided Muslim-only launderettes for shaming the religion, and called for a return of English-medium schools.

Sultan Ibrahim recently began weekly meetings with Johor state officials, an unusual move as the rulers by convention only have regular discussions on state government affairs with the chief minister.

In 2015, the Malay rulers had also expressed their wish that the 1MDB scandal be resolved with a thorough investigation.

