Mahathir has turned the tables on Lim Kit Siang

The Third Force

In 1988, Dr Mahathir Mohamad got Justice Harun Hashim (READ HERE) to declare UMNO an unlawful party. Days later, he got the RoS (READ HERE) to strike UMNO off the list by refusing to make amends that may have saved the party. Back then, he was Prime Minister.

Today, he’s just a miserly doctor who does not even command full support of a party he himself conceived. Yet, he thinks that the country is at his mercy, that he still wields some form of control over the RoS, an agency of statute responsible to oversee and administer specific functions on behalf of the Government of Malaysia.

That explains the waiver proposal PPBM advanced to the RoS (see news item below). Back when the proposal was first made, Mahathir was under the impression that  the branches and divisions stalling PPBM’s AGM (READ HERE) were dissatisfied with the leadership of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. But a poison pen letter he received told him just why that was not the case.

Thanks to The Third Force, Mahathir now knows that the letter was written by Lim Kit Siang and delivered to the Melaka PPBM Chief by Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan (READ HERE). Khairuddin was paid RM5 million by the senior Lim to rally support against Muhyiddin and promised another five in the event an EGM was triggered to vote the party president out.

To exact revenge, Mahathir got Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla to propose that Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) be allowed to translate Bibles into Malay. The move was a deliberate attempt by Khatri – who was representing MAIS – to provoke the National Evangelical Christian Federation (NECF) into retaliation. Mahathir knew that the NECF would blame MAIS and think that Sultan Sharifuddin of Selangor had a hand in the proposal.

By retaliating, the NECF made life very miserable for Kit Siang. The reason being, the Palace is aware of the senior Lim’s involvement with the evangelical concern and would associate the protest with him. There is no way Sultan Shariffudin would ever allow the DAP de facto chief to control the Government of Selangor by proxy. While everyone knows that Amanah is DAP controlled, there is nothing stoping Kit Siang from planting Chinese agents in PKR.

Besides, let us not forget that Sultan Sharifuddin has never forgiven the senior Lim for insulting him during the failed Langkah Kajang (READ HERE). Kit Siang knows, that should PPBM be deregistered by the RoS, Sultan Sharifuddin may actually consider a minority UMNO government to lead Selangor. That is assuming, of course, that Pakatan Harapan defeats Barisan Nasional during the upcoming general election.

Yes, Mahathir is having the last laugh.

He is now sitting with hands folded as Kit Siang gets Khairuddin to undo the damage he caused.


