What’s going on between Lim Guan Eng and the guys at Grant Thornton?

The Third Force

The numerous allegations of fraud by DAP members ever since the party conducted its second re-election of the CEC strikes me as weird. On the 16th of November 2017, members of two DAP branches in Penang alleged that ballot boxes were taken into a locked room to prevent delegates from witnessing the vote-counting process.

A recent complaint by several DAP members had it that only Anthony Loke was allowed into the locked room. That is strange, considering that Anthony was also accused of conspiring with Lim Guan Eng to rig both the 2012 CEC election and 2013 re-election processes. Question is, what was the point of appointing Grant Thornton, the so-called ‘independent’ US based audit firm?

Right after the latest re-election concluded, TTF was told of an agreement guan Eng was trying to solicit from the guys at the audit firm. We’re in the midst of verifying the authenticity of that information, though strangely, it seems remarkably consistent with complaints lodged by DAP members and branches, the latest being by Santokh Singh, the deputy chairman of the DAP Asam Kumbang Branch (see news item below).

So is it true what we were told, that Guan Eng is trying solicit an agreement from the guys at Grant Thornton to stylise the re-election report?


