Jahabar is desperate to bring down the MACC chief

Why is Jahabar so bent on bringing down the MACC chief? The answer is simple. Kit Siang has put a bounty of RM100 million on Dzulkifli’s head and Jahabar has already been paid 30%. So Jahabar has to make sure Dzulkifli is brought down or else he cannot collect the balance, and worse still, will have to refund the money he has received so far. That is why The Malaysian Insight keeps repeating again and again the story of Dzulkifli’s so-called affair with a married woman.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dzulkifli is currently at the centre of controversy after a series of video clips surfaced, allegedly showing him on a holiday with a woman who is not his wife in Bali. Police are investigating him under Section 498 of the Penal Code for enticing a married woman. He has neither confirmed nor denied being the man in the clips and only said he would not bow down to ‘dirty tactics’. (The Malaysian Insight).

That was what The Malaysian Insight reported yesterday regarding Dzulkifli Ahmad, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief. Jahabar Sadiq’s crusade against Dzulkifli continues even though The Malaysian Insight has nothing new to report on the matter but is merely repeating the same old story again and again.

Lim Kit Siang is very desperate and has told Jahabar to keep attacking Dzulkifli until he either drops the corruption case against Lim Guan Eng or he is ousted from office. As long as Dzulkifli is still head of the MACC and as long as the case against Guan Eng is not dropped then the Lim Dynasty is finished and Guan Eng is going to spend many years in jail.

Jahabar Sadiq, Lim Kit Siang’s hitman to bring down Dzulkifli Ahmad so that Lim Guan Eng can be saved from going to jail

Once Guan Eng’s case goes to trial there is no escaping. The evidence is solid and there is no way Guan Eng can escape a conviction and a jail sentence. Guan Eng is guilty as hell and is corrupt to the core.

READ MORE HERE: Kit Siang’s RM100 Million Bounty On Dzulkili’s Head

Earlier they tried to make a deal with Dzulkifli in an effort to get him to drop the case against Guan Eng. They even told Dzulkifli he can name his price. But the MACC chief refused to be bought. So the only way Guan Eng can be safe is to oust Dzulkifli and hopefully they can then do a deal with the new MACC head who is going to replace Dzulkifli.

It is ironical that the DAP Red Bean Army cyber-troopers keep saying that Malaysia is doomed because of its ‘Malay government’ and that the country needs a ‘Chinese government’ like in Singapore so that Malaysia can be as great as Singapore.

Guan Eng is going to jail and the Lim Dynasty is finished unless the MACC chief can be brought down

To the DAP Red Bean Army cyber-troopers, Malays are corrupt and Chinese are clean. And then when we have a Malay head of the MACC who refuses to be take a bribe they go all out to try to oust him by attacking him again and again regarding a so-called crime of sexual misconduct. Are they really fighting for a ‘clean’ Malaysia, as they say they are? If so then why attack Dzulkifli who refuses to take a bribe as an inducement to drop the case against Guan Eng?

Why is Jahabar so bent on bringing down the MACC chief? The answer is simple. Kit Siang has put a bounty of RM100 million on Dzulkifli’s head and Jahabar has already been paid 30%. So Jahabar has to make sure Dzulkifli is brought down or else he cannot collect the balance, and worse still, will have to refund the money he has received so far. That is why The Malaysian Insight keeps repeating again and again the story of Dzulkifli’s so-called affair with a married woman.

