Calling Najib penyamun and perompak is NOT hate speech

Shahrizat uttered the words, “There are only two choices – a government led by Najib through BN or the opposition led by Kit Siang, ‘Maharaja Lim’, at the recent Umno AGM in Kuala Lumpur when she spoke about the 14th general election (GE14).

(LSS) – DAP women and youth wings have lodged a police report against Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s remarks labelling DAP senior leader Lim Kit Siang as “Maharaja” (Emperor).

They want the police to probe the veteran politician for “encouraging hate speech and promoting bigotry” in her statement.

Shahrizat uttered the words, “There are only two choices – a government led by Najib through BN or the opposition led by Kit Siang, ‘Maharaja Lim’, at the recent Umno AGM in Kuala Lumpur when she spoke about the 14th general election (GE14).

Oh wow…. super hati tisu.

You people have been calling Mahathir (before) and now Najib all sorts of names — “penyamun, perompak, etc.” — but no one ever lodged a report on you people for “hate speech”.

Calling Kit Siang as “Maharaja” is called “hate speech”?

Tokong’s father cannot be called any sort of names but you all can call anyone else names and it is no problem?


