Pua: Say what you want but be prepared for repercussions

(FMT) – DAP members are free to express their opinions but they will also have to deal with the repercussions, says the party’s Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua.

During a press conference today, Pua said such actions would affect the party, especially when the person involved did not hold any position in the party.

“I think our members are allowed to express their opinions, but they will have to deal with whatever repercussions that come,” he said when commenting on the controversy surrounding a recent tweet by DAP member Zaid Ibrahim.

Zaid had taken to Twitter to “advise” Selangor ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah over his comments on Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In an interview with The Star, Sultan Sharafuddin had said Mahathir’s political agenda was motivated by “deep hatred” and that “his anger will burn the whole country”.

Zaid had responded to this, saying: “The Selangor sultan should be careful with his words. No one is immune when the country burns.”

His tweet had caused an uproar, especially among Umno leaders and members who called for action to be taken against him for his criticism of the sultan.

Selangor Umno chief Noh Omar had said that Selangor Umno would hold a rally on Sunday to defend and support Sultan Sharafuddin.

Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Yunos, meanwhile, burnt effigies of Zaid outside the Umno headquarters at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) and today he followed it up by using a sledgehammer on a cardboard cutout of Zaid.

The Red Shirts leader had said he would “hammer” the DAP politician’s head if no action was taken against him for his criticism of the Selangor sultan.

The Sultan of Selangor had also told Zaid to go back to Kelantan.

“He lives in Selangor. Go back to Kelantan if he is not happy. Build a big house and help the people of Kelantan. Don’t make your wealth here,” Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had said in an interview with Utusan Malaysia.

The former minister is also being probed by the police for sedition.

