Zaid I will not apologise for remarks against Sultan

(The Star) – Datuk Zaid Ibrahim says he will not apologise for his remarks against the Sultan of Selangor.

The DAP leader added that he was innocent and had not broken the law by responding to Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah’s comments.

“This is a small matter that did not need to be exaggerated.

“I admit my tweets but the question is — what wrong have I done that I need to apologise?” he said when met here on Saturday.

Earlier this week, Sultan Sharafuddin had voiced his anger and disappointment over Zaid’s jab at him on Twitter.

Zaid had said that the Ruler should be careful with his words and that everyone would be affected if “the country burns”.

His tweets are believed to have been in response to the Sultan’s statements in an exclusive interview with The Star, where the Selangor Ruler warned that the deliberate use of sensitive issues to fish for votes in the general election would destroy the country.

