Can you stand the hypocrisy?

Eric See-To

Example One: When certain royalty criticised BN leaders such as Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and Khairy Jamaluddin for various issues over the past year, Pakatan Harapan leaders and supporters welcomed this and added salt to the criticism against the BN leaders.

But when another Royalty criticised Mahathir, Pakatan leaders and supporters sent a warning to the royalty concerned that there will be “consequences” as royalty should not meddle in politics.

Example Two: When Michelle Yeoh came out to support BN prior to GE13,  Pakatan leaders and supporters criticised her strongly and said that celebrities should not be involved in politics as they do not understand.

But recently when some celebrities came out to tweet in apparent criticism against the BN Government, Pakatan leaders and supporters defended the celebrities saying they are tax-payers too and have a right to their opinion.

Such clear-cut hypocrisy from Pakatan was one of the key reason why I decided to voice out after GE13 and why many youths and previous Pakatan supporters have given up on them.

I wonder how Pakatan leaders and supporters can stand such double-standards and hypocrisy with straight faces?

One of the things that I detest about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is that he uses very twisted logic to take advantage of the people’s lack of knowledge to lie to them.

He does this a lot. He somehow is so thick-faced and knows no shame.

Another lie he told today was that Najib lost US$39.6 billion in Forex reserves between 2013 and 2015 when Bank Negara had used that amount to stabilise our exchange rates from falling too fast when our Ringgit weakened.

Mahathir said this US$39.6 billion is far more than the amount he lost in the BNM Forex scandal that he says the govt is trying to get him for.

Well then, how does Mahathir explain the loss of US$800 billion in reserves that China suffered over the past 3 years while doing the same as Malaysia?

Well, there is a big difference between losses incurred in normal sport buying and selling of forex reserves with illegal trading and speculation along with deceiving the cabinet, deceiving parliament and hiding the losses which Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim was alleged to have done – a possible criminal breach of trust (CBT).

Unlike Mahathir, Najib did not cause BNM to go technically bankrupt nor had to force BNM to sell off MAS and their shares in Telekom, Tenaga and other companies in a bid to help cover the BNM losses.

And unlike Mahathir, BNM did not risk speculative trading positions that are equivalent to 3 times our GDP and 5 times our reserves at that time. So great was the risk taken that it could have bankrupted Malaysia 3 times over!

Who can blame anyone for suspecting that such incredible risk was taken because there could be wrong-doing or even theft – especially since you then tried so extensively to cover it up? But this is for the police to investigate.

Unfortunately, zombies do not seem to understand the key difference of legitimate use of FOREX reserves with what BNM under Mahathir and Anwar were doing at that time and the illegal cover-up involved.

That is why Mahathir continues to lie using stupid comparisons like this because zombies are stupid.

