Kit Siang finally agrees to Shariah laws

“The DAP was inherently opposed to Malay rule from day one. This is made manifest when one considers that its creation was mooted by Kuan Yew himself, whose PAP channelled the funding required for the initial set up. The party ended up being a carbon copy of the PAP and even adopted its “Malaysian Malaysia” slogan”


On the 21st of February 2010, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin became the first UMNO deputy president to openly defend the caning of three Muslim women under the Islamic Penal Code. The women were found guilty of having sex outside their marriage and were meted the punishment by the Syariah Court. The then deputy premier’s show of support immediately became a point of contention for Lim Kit Siang, who pointed out that it contradicted the 1Malaysia concept introduced by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak.

According to the senior Lim, he was made to understand that the concept was all-inclusive and designed to develop a single, united Malaysian race. He told a reporter – who has the exact recording – that it was “unbecoming of a Prime Minister in-waiting to condone such punishment” as it was unjust to have separate penalties for Muslims and non-Muslims. The very next day, he took to his blog and listed all media headlines on Muhyiddin between the 10th of August 2009 and the 19th of February 2010.

The list goes as follows:

  • “Syariah caning is mild, says Muhyiddin” (Feb. 19);
  • “Kit Siang doesn’t understand separation of powers, says DPM” (Feb. 19);
  • “Muhyiddin claims Penang not backing Muslim aims” (Feb. 12);
  • “Muhyddin says PERC report is nonsense” (Feb. 11);
  • “Muhyiddin wants Pakatan to drop conditions for co-operation in Perak” (Feb. 11);
  • “No need for interfaith commission, says DPM” (Jan 30);
  • “Muhyiddin refutes Human Rights Watch report” (Jan 22);
  • “Muhyiddin: ‘Allah’ issue not political” (Jan. 16);
  • “Muhyiddin: No more ‘Allah’ contention in the future” (Jan. 14);
  • “Muhyiddin says ‘extreme’ to call Dr M racist, maintains BTN good” (Dec. 8);
  • “DPM defends BTN courses against racist brainwashing charges” (Nov. 26);
  • “Muhyiddin warns of traitors to the Malay race” (Aug 10); and
  • “Muhyiddin – Chinese ungrateful to BN” (April 13).

At a DAP function held the next month, he announced that Muhyiddin “was a Mahathirist with all the qualities of an ultra-Malay.” Just so that you know, the term “ultra-Malay” was first coined by the late Lee Kwan Yew when Singapore was still a part of Malaysia. Back then, the former Singaporean premier irked the late Tunku Abdul Rahman by refusing to put in black and white the fact that Islam and Bahasa Malaysia were the official religion and language of the Federation.

On the 25th of May 1965, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then a Member of Parliament (MP) for Kota Star, had this to say;

“When it is examined carefully, it will be found that the PAP (Kuan Yew’s party) has retained a hold mainly over matters which will affect the Chinese and their chauvinist ideas. National language is one of those things which tend to create disaffection among China-orientated Chinese. Playing to chauvinist ideas , the PAP retained multi-lingualism, while paying lip-service to the national language. The target date for accepting the National language is ignored by the PAP.” 

To this, Lee Kuan Yew replied (in Singapore):

“You know what they said in Parliament, Dr Mahathir from Kota Star? — “We in Singapore are not accustomed to Malay rule. We are not like people in Kelantan and Terengganu.” Well, let me tell him this: when we joined Malaysia, we never agreed to Malay rule; we agreed to Malaysian rule; never Malay rule. This is all bunkum. Somebody has made a grave error of judgment if they believe that we agreed to Malay rule. (We) never agreed to it.”

Kit Siang, who made mention of all this at the DAP function, conceded – for the first time ever – that Kuan Yew actually tasked him to wrest control of the DAP from Devan Nair to “finish what he (Kuan Yew) had started.” It was more a slip of the tongue than it was anything else, really. In a fit of rage, the senior Lim added that “the decision was made days after Parliament took a unanimous 126 – 0 vote against Singapore’s continued presence in Malaysia.

Now, what does all this tell you?

It tells you that the DAP was inherently opposed to Malay rule from day one. This is made manifest when one considers that its creation was mooted by Kuan Yew himself, whose PAP channelled the funding required for the initial set up. The party ended up being a carbon copy of the PAP and even adopted its “Malaysian Malaysia” slogan.

In one sense, the DAP was a Trojan Horse that Kuan Yew parked in Malaysia before leaving. Its primary mission – unwritten, of course – was to derail efforts by the Tunku’s government to shape Malaysia with the Alliance (now Barisan Nasional) mould. The late Singaporean premier made it very clear that the DAP was to oppose the use of Malay as the official language by whatever means necessary (there is a recording of this).


