Felda lodges police report over alleged land fraud involving RM270 million

(The Star) – The Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) has lodged a police report over alleged fraud involving four plots of land worth an estimated RM270mil along Jalan Semarak, following an ownership transfer deal with a company in 2014.

Its chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad said the report was lodged on Dec 12 after uncovering elements of alleged fraud in the transfer deal.

He added that he only found out about this after taking over the Felda chairman post in January this year and immediately informed the Prime Minister.

“We were shocked when we found out about the transaction involving millions of ringgit, but Felda did not receive a single sen from it,” he told a press conference at Menara Felda here on Thursday.

Shahrir said aside from lodging a police report, Felda was also looking at revoking the Power of Attorney (PA) given to the company concerned and registering a caveat on the land.

He also did not discount the possibility of taking civil action against the company and appointing a third-party auditor to look into the deal.

