What Is Mahathir Trying To Hide By Suing Najib, The RCI And The Government?

(Malaysian Digest) – The report by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the foreign exchange losses suffered by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) back in 1990s by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) when the Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was Prime Minister seem to have ruffled his normally sanguine air.

Political analyst/blogger, Lim Sian See (LSS) said that the RCI unearthing the BNM scandal has clearly rattled him as the former Prime Minister is now filing a summons in court to declare the RCI report as not valid.

“From trying to use the courts to remove certain people in the RCI, suing to stop the RCI from taking place, to giving stupid comparisons to allege BNM “lost” RM160 billion (which is such a stupid allegation that Kit Siang, Tony and Lapiji don’t even dare backup) to suing Najib and suing a royal commission to declare the report null to now trying to blame others including the deputy governor who blew the whistle on the losses and he cover up,” LSS highlighted in a recent Facebook posting.

He added that Mahathir’s desperation when it comes to the case shows that he has something to hide from the people.

“I thought nothing2hide? Now he even wants to sue to hide the RCI report,” LSS said.

In the summons, Mahathir named the RCI panel as the defendant, which includes its chairman Tan Sri Sidek Hassan; High Court judge Datuk Kamaludin Md Said; chief executive officer of Bursa Malaysia Bhd Datuk Seri Tajuddin Atan; joint chairman of the Special Task Force to Facilitate Business Tan Sri Saw Choo Boon; and Malaysian Institute of Accountants member K. Pushpanathan.

Also named were the secretary of the Commission of Inquiry, who is also the Director of the Strategic Investment Division of the Finance Ministry, Datuk Dr Yusof Ismail, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, cabinet minister and the Malaysian Government.

However according to blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), Mahathir should be directing his wrath at DAP veteran statesman Lim Kit Siang instead of the commission because Kit Siang was instrumental in stirring up the whole BNM scandal.

It Was Kit Siang And Not Najib Who Exposed Mahathir’s Wrongdoings

During Mahathir’s 22 years of leadership as Prime Minister, the Opposition had highlighted various scandals such as Perwaja Steel, the Maminco-Makuwasa scandal, Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF), MAS, independent power provider (IPP) contracts, and many others, said RPK in his recent posting on malaysia-today.net.

The allegation that Mahathir was involved in the BNM forex scandal was originally brought up by DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

“It was Kit Siang who for more than 20 years has been pushing for the RCI on the Bank Negara forex scandal and now he got his wish,” he said.

He said that Najib is only fulfilling Kit Siang’s wish, who had demanded repeatedly for Mahathir to be investigated.

“But now Mahathir is complaining about the RCI and is whacking Najib. But it was Kit Siang and not Najib that has been demanding the RCI for the last 20 years. So why whack Najib instead of Kit Siang?” RPK asked.

