Mukhriz’s political future getting bleaker by the day

Pakatan Harapan does not regard Mukhriz highly. In fact, they do not even think they can use him against Najib like what they are doing with Mahathir. Compared to Nurul Izzah Anwar, Mukhriz rates even lower and even then Nurul is not much to start off with. On a list of the top ten most likely to become Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister, Mukhriz is not even on the list.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The 29th of February 2016. The day that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad resigned from Umno out of protest regarding his son Mukhriz’s removal as the Menteri Besar of Kedah on 3rd February 2016. That 29th of February 2016 was the beginning of the end for Mahathir’s political dynasty, and the chance for Mukhriz to become the Prime Minister plummeted to zero.

When Mahathir resigned from Umno on 29th February 2016 it was supposed to have been a temporary move like back in 2008, the last time he resigned from Umno. Mahathir thought that, just like when he resigned in 2008, they would pujuk him to return to Umno. When that did not happen as Mahathir had hoped, he had no choice but to set up his own party and take over as the ‘Top Dog’ of Pakatan Harapan.

The day Mukhriz was removed as Menteri Besar and Mahathir resigned from Umno was the beginning of the end for their political dynasty and the prime minister’s seat

Mahathir thought he and Mukhriz would be considered god-sent to the opposition. They would be so glad he and Mukhriz joined their ranks that they would immediately anoint Mukhriz as Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister-in-waiting. What Mahathir had not expected is that Pakatan Harapan just wanted to use him to go against Najib, as what DAP’s Superman Hew revealed.

Pakatan Harapan does not regard Mukhriz highly. In fact, they do not even think they can use him against Najib like what they are doing with Mahathir. Compared to Nurul Izzah Anwar, Mukhriz rates even lower and even then Nurul is not much to start off with. On a list of the top ten most likely to become Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister, Mukhriz is not even on the list.

This is what Pakatan Harapan really thinks of Mahathir and his sons, and making Mukhriz Prime Minister is not in the plan

Then there is the problem of whether Mukhriz can win his seat or whether he will need to migrate and contest in a Chinese majority seat. DAP will need to hadiah Mukrhiz one of their seats and tell the Chinese voters to vote for him if he is going to win. What kind of Prime Minister is he going to make if he cannot even win the general election?

Mahathir knows Pakatan Harapan has no plans to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister. And for sure they do not plan to make Mahathir the Prime Minister as well. At his age, if Pakatan Harapan makes Mahathir the Prime Minister, Malaysia will become the laughing stock of the entire world. Even Mahathir’s own party, PPBM, will see it as a joke.

“The important focus is to win the elections… there is no need to prioritise the naming of the (candidate for) prime minister,” said Nurul Izzah (READ MORE HERE).

So, like it or not, if Mukhriz is ever going to become Prime Minister, it has to be through Umno and not through Pakatan Harapan. PPBM will not be able to win even 10% of the seats Pakatan Harapan is expected to win so how can Mahathir call the shots on who will become Prime Minister? If you want to become Prime Minister your party must win not less than 80 parliament seats like Umno and not less than 10% of 80 seats like PPBM.

Mahathir’s entire game plan since 2009 was for Muhkriz to become Prime Minister. That was why Mukhriz contested the Umno Youth leadership in 2009 and an Umno Vice President’s seat in 2013. Everything is about Mukhriz becoming Prime Minister and since 2009 until now that has not changed. And Mahathir knows there is only one way that is going to happen, which is through Umno. Through Pakatan Harapan that is impossible.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has finally woken up to the hard reality, which Anwar Ibrahim already realised 20 years ago, and that the road to Putrajaya is through Barisan Nasional. And this was why when Anwar was sacked from Umno in 1998 he refused to join any of the opposition parties or even become a member of his own party, then called Parti Keadilan Nasional, when it was launched on 4th April 1999.

Right up to the day Anwar was released from jail in September 2004 he still refused to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat and met Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to try to get admitted back into Umno. Anwar knew if he wanted to become Prime Minister it has to be through Umno and not through the opposition. And Anwar still believes that.

This is all about Mahathir’s political dynasty and the move to oust Najib is to make way for Mukhriz to become Prime Minister

So what is Mahathir going to do? He wants Mukhriz to become Prime Minister but that is almost impossible to happen. Can PPBM win the most number of seats when currently it cannot even be sure of winning more seats than Mat Sabu’s party? Can Mukhriz win a seat without contesting in a Chinese seat and without DAP instructing the voters to vote for him? More importantly, is it in Pakatan Harapan’s game plan to propose Mukhriz as their Prime Minister-in-waiting?

Yes, Mahathir will need to look at a new option if he wants to safeguard his political dynasty and see Mukhriz becoming the Prime Minister. And what will that new option be? Well, stayed tuned and maybe we can talk about that in the next article.

