Yearly Archives


Menteri besar Johor keliru identiti

(TMI) - Kuda kepang diharamkan di Johor dengan alasan kononnya akan merosakkan akidah umat Islam, tetapi motif kuda kepang yang haram inilah yang diangkat menjadi batu simen bangunan yang…

Lawyer slams halting of aerobics event

(FMT) - Art Harun says it shows PAS is not averse to enforcing Islamic laws on non-Muslims. Human rights lawyer Azhar Harun has criticised the Kota Bharu municipal council’s decision to halt an…

MAS woes from Mahathir era

(The Star) - The financial issues faced by Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS) is a legacy problem from the era of former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said Johor Baru MP Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad.…

Non-Muslims should debate Islam

(FMT) - A former deputy minister has lent his support to a call on non-Muslim leaders to participate in public discourse on matters relating to Islam. It would be wrong for such leaders to…

Gopal Sri Ram, see you in court

Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali should lodge a police report for criminal defamation following two articles posted by Raja Petra Kamarudin, Gopal Sri Ram said. Apandi could also file a…

Uncertain times for Warisan

Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Shafie Apdal has not lost his composure throughout his ordeal these last few days. The Warisan president knew it was only a matter of time before the…

Political fatigue deepens

There is still a sense of uneasiness about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad among many voters. They cannot decide whether they can trust someone who can change his political alliance and views the way people…