Yearly Archives


Rafizi tertidur 3 bulan…

(LSS) - Rafizi Ramli seems to be missing from the Himpunan yesterday (and so was Azmin). But that's not all, there is zero mention of yesterday's himpunan on his FB and Twitter. In fact, he did…

The continuing saga of 50 Love Lane

The drama over a crumbling building in the heritage heart of George Town has come to resemble a Hokkien soap opera, with groups ranging from Chinese clans to a defunct triad laying claim to the…

No Harapan

(SEADEMON SAYS) - Last night, BigDog revealed that Mukhriz Mahathir did not receive a single nomination for any of ANSARA posts. This is a drastic change when he used to be the leading figurehead…

Mukhriz’s Musical Chair

(BIG DOG DOT COM) - PPBM Deputy President Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir woke up to reality that he no longer enjoy the support and stardom which include the Alumni lead when he received no…

Mahathir and Kit Siang doing a 69

Basically both Mahathir and Kit Siang have many shared interests. Other than both wanting to see Najib ousted, they both have their sons’ interest in mind. Both need to save their sons from going to…

Wan Ji Ditahan Polis, Hina Sultan

(Sinar Harian) - Pegawai Penerangan di Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Wan Ji Wan Hussin, ditahan polis dipercayai bagi membantu siasatan berhubung kes menghina sultan. Wan Ji yang juga…


DARI SUDUT LAIN Pada perhimpunan Fastaqim 2.0 yang diadakan pada 29 dan 30 September lalu di Kuala Nerus, PAS telah melancarkan satu produk baru yang dinamakan sebagai Wawasan Induk Negara…

A crime is still a crime, Shafie

(LSS) - RM180mil cash has been frozen by the MACC which they believe is part of the RM1.5 billion worth of projects abused by the Rural Development Ministry when Shafie Apdal was in charge.…

The Zamihans in our midst

I would like to know how the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) could have employed this person as a preacher and I am equally interested to know how the Selangor Islamic Religious…