Yearly Archives


Pak Lah wrote foreword in banned book

(TMI) - A BOOK on Islamic law in Malaysia, which contains a foreword by a former prime minister and later launched by a senior Barisan Nasional MP, is among the books banned by the Home Ministry,…

Now does Jakim believe in Karma?

Oh, and one more thing, I told the SB officers that Muslims are Islam’s worst enemies. We do not need Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., to destroy Islam. They should all just sit back and…

SPRM minta Syed Saddiq buat laporan

(Utusan Online) - Ketua Ang­katan Bersatu Anak Muda (Armada) Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman perlu membuat laporan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah…

How Mahathir moves his billions

Anyway, the RM160 billion that Mahathir and Daim jointly own is well hidden but not well hidden enough. Malaysia Today managed to track how the US$5 million for the three US DoJ press conferences…

Can DAP Be Trusted?

It is no secret that the DAP led by its advisor Lim Kit Siang wants to win the upcoming 14th general elections. Together with Pakatan Harapan, DAP has set its sights on wresting Putrajaya away…

More Shafie allies hauled up

(The Star) - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has arrested three politicians in connection with the alleged embezzlement of funds for rural projects in Sabah. Parti Warisan Sabah…