Yearly Archives


Corruption, Cronyism, Nepotism

SeaDemon Says The above title consists of the very words that are being used by the Opposition, from the days of the Barisan Alternatif through its current form, the Pakatan Harapan. Those…

Dr M fishes in Sarawak waters

“Your political partners like Lim Kit Siang do not deserve any welcome in Sarawak. He has criticised Sarawak for abusing our immigration powers. What do you mean abusing our autonomy? This is our…

Mahathir alleges Najib bribed Trump

In fact, this was what MAS wanted to do back when Mahathir was Prime Minister but he shot down the proposal. Instead of leasing the aircraft Mahathir asked MAS to purchase them outright. Why did…

Report: PAS may lose Kelantan in GE14

(MMO) - After almost three decades of governing Kelantan, PAS may be voted out in the next general elections due to poor economic conditions in the state, a report said. Singapore daily, the …

A Proposal for Islam

By policing religion, the authorities are not really protecting it. They are only enfeebling their societies, raising hypocrites and causing many people to lose their faith in or respect for…

Muslim-only launderette in Perlis

(The Star) - Another launderette serving only Muslims has been found to be operating in Perlis – just as the Sultan of Johor and the Government have sent out a message that such segregation must…

Malaysia’s Namby-Pamby Najib Razak

The Government should have been the very first authority to tick off the laundrette owner. It’s a real shame that the Sultan had to step in and do the Government’s job. Kee Thuan Chye What…