Yearly Archives


Why Chinese do not understand PAS

This is something non-Muslims will never understand. DAP and Malaysian Chinese News view this whole thing as merely an exercise to oust Umno and end Malay-Muslim political domination. And to DAP and…

Who would win in three-cornered fights?

(Malaysian Chinese News) - PAS has failed to assess its own strength. It is still deep in its Utopian dream and one finds it difficult to track its mindset. Three-cornered fights would be suicidal…

Dr M’s comment unbelievable

(Borneo Post) - Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan yesterday expressed his disbelief towards former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamed’s comment of reviewing Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)…

Dressing down for launderette

(The Star) - The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, has ordered the controversial Muslim-only launderette in Muar to immediately stop its discriminatory practice or…

Mahathir fikir rakyat Sarawak bodoh?

Raja Petra Kamarudin (Malaysiakini, 24 September 2017) – Bercakap pada orang ramai semasa ucapannya yang berdurasi hampir sejam itu, Mahathir memfokuskan pada Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974,…

Beer and DAP’s questionable allies

In the end, DAP would have its voters trust Amanah as they once did of PAS. We should close our eyes, pinch our noses shut, stick fingers in our ears, and ignore all the warning signs. What could…