Yearly Archives


How to destroy a politician’s career

(FMT) - Saifuddin Abdullah says both BN and opposition members fear being tagged with the anti-Islam label. A Pakatan Harapan official has acknowledged that one of the biggest fears Malaysian…

Divided over laundrette policy

(The Star) - A self-service laundrette in Muar, Johor, that advertises its services for only Muslim customers, has drawn mixed reaction from the public. Photos of the laundrette and the…

No more a DAP sanctuary

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has declared that Melaka will fall to Pakatan Harapan even though his party in this historical state has been left standing on one leg ever since four of its seven YBs…


1. Ketika berceramah di Bukit Merah, Perak Tun Dr Mahathir dengan sinis menyindir mereka yang meninggalkan PPBM sebagai 'sampah'. Mungkin di Malaysia hanya Tun Mahathir sahaja yang layak menggelar…

Mahathir is a MF-CS

Today, we have many Malays who are ashamed they are Malays. So they try to be liberal Malays so that they would not be seen as a backward Malay. And, to be liberal, you must support beer festivals,…

PAS Bertanding Lebih Banyak Kerusi

(Bicara News) - Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan berkata parti itu berpeluang bertanding lebih banyak kerusi pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 kerana kini tidak lagi terikat dengan…

Feeding logic into the rumour mill

Thinking things through helps to sift out the truth, but that’s not what gossipmongers and their audiences really want.  Philip Golingai, The Star THERE are people out there who love…

List of those who donated to Rafizi

(LSS) - Yesterday, Rafizi Ramli revealed the full names of all those who donated to his Invoke including the amount donated. He didn't need to ask for the donors' permission as he he believes…

Sivarasa: My staff were set up

(FMT) - Subang MP R Sivarasa alleged today that his three staff who were arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) are victims of a set-up. The PKR MP said he had no reason to…

Please lift the ban, Kelantan

(The Star) - The restrictions on women performing for mixed audiences could result in an erasure of women from cultural arts. The Kelantan government must lift the ban on its traditional…