Yearly Archives


When we have idiots for IGPs

Why do we call them Police Inspector but not Police Inspector General or PIG? Anyway, the conduct of some IGPs are so appalling it makes you wonder how the Royal Malaysian Police Force or PDRM is…

Not just the beer

If it can't be held this year, chances are there we may not see another beer fest on this land next year and the years after that. Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Why is the KL Better Beer…

Soalan Untuk Rafizi

Rizal Mansor Telah lebih setahun INVOKE ditubuhkan oleh YB Rafizi Ramli. Dan kini dengan penuh bangga beliau sedang meraikan ulang tahun pertama. Tahniah YB dan selamat hari ulang tahun INVOKE.…


(Roslan Sms) - Sebut nama P. Kanason Pothinker saya pasti ramai tidak mengenalinya. Akan tetapi bekas Pengarah dan Penolong Ketua Audit Negara bagi semua badan berkanun kerajaan Pusat dan…

To each his own

A non-Muslim should never interfere in Islamic affairs when it doesn't involve nor affect him, her or family, whilst a Muslim should also observe likewise. KTemoc Konsiders The Malaysian…

Nor Mohamed Yakcop quits Khazanah

(The Star) - The architect of Malaysia’s corporate transformation post the 1998 financial crisis, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, has resigned as deputy chairman of Khazanah Nasional Bhd. Khazanah…

Najib, love him or hate him

(Malaysia Impact) - Politicians tend to be a squeamish and unimaginative bunch, thinking first and foremost about their own survival. They go out of their way to avoid controversy and ruffling the…

A tough first year for PPBM

“Difficult” is probably an understatement to describe what Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) has gone through after a year of its inception. Ikhwan Zulkaflee, Berita Daily From…