Yearly Archives



That’s right, there’s nothing on this page. That’s because I need not write anything. Just read what I wrote over the last four years since 2013 regarding the Kajang Move, what they said about…


Latheefa Koya I restrained myself from speaking so as not to have public spats. But this boy, sticking to the true Ponorogo strategy continues to issue press statements in total breach of party…

Undi PH seperti undi DAP, kata PAS

Ketua Pemuda PAS Khalil Hadi mendakwa PKR, PPBM dan Amanah dipengaruhi DAP yang dibayangi Evangelis Kristian. (FMT) - PAS hari ini mengisytiharkan satu undi kepada Pakatan Harapan bererti satu…

When the system falls apart

The fact that a simple sentence as orang atasan cakap jangan campur tangan was enough to stop the auditor-general's office from pursuing the case shows that this whole system is severely flawed…

Rafizi fighting too many fires

PKR’s ‘Wonder Boy’ is taking a huge gamble by openly questioning Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘amanat’ or mandate to engage with PAS in facing the general election. Joceline Tan, The Star…

Nafi wujud dua puak dalam PKR

(Sinar Harian) - NAIB Presiden PKR, Tian Chua menafikan wujud dua puak yang mempunyai pandangan berbeza dalam isu mengadakan kerjasama dengan Pas. Menurut Tian Chua, PKR tidak mempunyai…

Kit Siang is a student of North Korea

In fact, Kit Siang even refuses to confirm that he was born in China and not in Batu Pahat, where he spoke last night. And he also refuses to confirm that PAP sent him to Malaysia in 1965 to manage…