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Roslan Sms Inilah yang Kit Siang tunggu-tunggu. Peluang untuk tunjuk pada pimpinan PH bahawa beliaulah sebenarnya Ketua Nombor "1" mereka. Jika bagi jawatan PM masih sorong-tarik antara…

PKR reform credentials in deep doubt

He can say anything prior to an election and you bet he would, wakakaka, but there is no iron-clad guarantee the so-called Pakatan reform agenda will be met after the election. KTemoc Konsiders…

Husam calon MB Pakatan Harapan?

(Sinar Harian) - Pakatan Harapan dijangka menamakan Naib Presiden Amanah,  Datuk Husam Musa sebagai calon Menteri Besar Kelantan sekiranya tampuk kerusi di negeri ini bertukar tangan dalam PRU14…

Mahathir is a fine one for talking

Raja Sara Petra Reading Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s blog posting today is like reading ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’. I just could not believe Mahathir would have the audacity to say what he said. The…

Mahathir is totally losing his mind

Now, can you see that the HRW 2000 and 2001 reports on Mahathir and Malaysia are similar to what Mahathir said about Najib and Malaysia in his blog posting today? Mahathir is like a whore who is…

GE14: The local tipping points

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online Tip O’Neill is attributed with the saying, “All politics is local.” I understand we currently are not fans of meddlesome Americans, but perhaps our country’s…

Kit Siang condemns Hadi in PAS heartland

(FMT) - Lim Kit Siang says PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang wrong to block efforts to get to the bottom of the international 1MDB money-laundering scandal. Lim Kit Siang has come down hard on PAS…

Kit Siang getting senile by the day

But that is politics. In Malaysia politics is a zero-sum game. It is a winner takes all and loser loses all contest. So do not dabble in this type of no-holds-barred -- or the rule is there are no…