Yearly Archives


Is DAP again rearing a tiger?

Malaysian Chinese News DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and former Prime Minister Mahathir ended their hostility to become friends again with the hope that together in the Pakatan team they could…

Message from the drawer

All politicians are similar. They are only thinking of press freedom with favorable news on them. If the media are giving extensive coverage on negative news of their opponents, they are seen as…

Kit Siang has finally lost his tongue

For more than 20 years Kit Siang has been shouting, screaming, moaning, bitching, and grumbling, demanding that a RCI be set up to bring those criminals who were behind Bank Negara’s forex losses to…


(Roslan Sms) - Semua sebenarnya tidak tenteram dalam DAP. Parti yang bongkak dan sombong dengan sokongan padu pengundi bukan Melayu itu sesungguhnya bermasalah di dalam tetapi cuba tidak…

Anwar Ibrahim’s winning strategy

So it is now up to Najib and Shafee to prove their innocence and if they cannot or refuse then that means this is proof that Anwar did not receive a fair trial. And this is the message the Pakatan…