Yearly Archives


This Pakatan drama is getting tiring

I cannot imagine how they will run a country. Every time a difficult question comes up in a Cabinet meeting, would they call for a coffee break while waiting for the postman to arrive? Wan…

There is a thief among us, Tok Imam!

You steal one day and you get rid of the sin the next by attending terawih prayers. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today My dad has been visiting our neighbourhood mosque for terawih throughout the…

Money Can Buy Anything In America!

RAJA SARA PETRA Most Malaysians do not understand the political system in the United States of America. America was built on money and everything in America is about money. You can even buy…

Dr Mahathir dares Rosmah to sue him

(FMT) - He does this after citing an allegation in the recent DoJ report that some US$1.3 million of jewellery had been purchased with 1MDB money. Dr Mahathir Mohamad today cited an allegation…

The Legacy of Tun Razak’s Oldest Son

In a civil suit, unlike a criminal trial, the burden of proof is lower, only the “preponderance of evidence” and not “beyond reasonable doubt.” The burden of proof also shifts from the plaintiff…

Enough is Enough, Mahathir

MEDIA STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO TUN MAHATHIR'S ACCUSATIONS ON PROTON-GEELY PARTNERSHIP 1. Much has been said about the future of Proton as a result of its proposed partnership with Geely. This…